I like French, comics, books, podcasts, (board and roleplaying) games, biking, and trains. I try to stay organized and in good (physical and mental) shape.

Moi, j'aime le français, les BD, les livres, les podcasts, les jeux (de plateau et de rôle), le cyclisme, et les trains. Je fais de mon mieux de rester organisé et en forme (physiquement et mentalement).

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📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Ultimate Spider-Man: Vol. 10, Hollywood, by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley

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This is a shameless attempt to profit off of whatever Spider-Man movie was coming out at the time, but it’s still a pretty fun story. It continues to strain credulity that this kid could keep up superhero hijinks without Aunt May finding out, but it’s enough of the mythos that I can deal with it (mostly).

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤 for Ultimate Spider-Man: Vol. 9, Ultimate Six, by Brian Michael Bendis

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This story is interesting, but it suffers from too much of superhero continuity bloat. I also miss Mark Bagley’s illustration—this artist’s faces all look alike, whereas Bagley’s characters are distinct and familiar to me. It’s just meh.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Ultimate Spider-Man: Vol. 8, Cats & Kings, by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley

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The first few issues of this are just about peak Spider-Man, and I came very close to giving this full marks. By the end, though, there was too much treating female characters as fanservice—and I have never liked temptation to infidelity as a plot device. So, some ups, some downs.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Ultimate Spider-Man: Vol. 7, Irresponsible, by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley

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I finally got access to my spouse’s hoopla password so that I can continue my binge of this series without waiting for my loans to refresh in December. There was a lot that I don’t like about this volume: 2000s language that doesn’t age well, oversexualization of costumes and characters, and crossover nonsense. I like the characters, though, and the issue with Aunt May in therapy was good enough on its own to bump my rating up a heart.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤 for The Book of Herbal Teas: A Guide to Gathering, Brewing, and Drinking, by Sara Perry

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I like herbal tea, but there’s only so much interest I can show in a cookbook on the topic. The only reason I read this was because reading a cookbook is one of the squares on my local library’s 2023 reading challenge. It could be interesting to grow my own herbs and make my own blends, but I just don’t see myself doing it.

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I respect web forms that don’t let me paste content into the “confirm email” field, but I still resent them.

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Comme mon épouse se débrouille en français, on s’en sert pour parler des cadeaux devant notre fille exclusivement anglophone. Mais comme « Pokémon » serait quand-même reconnaissable, mon épouse a dû trouver une circonlocution : « le jeu vidéo de… pochette…. monstre ? »

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Wallace & Gromit Creator Aardman is Almost Out of Clay'

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Oh no! link to “Wallace & Gromit Creator Aardman is Almost Out of Clay”

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Watched The Great Mouse Detective with kiddo earlier today and am now reading Neil Gaiman’s A Study in Emerald. These are… two very different takes on Holmes.

🔗 linkblog: mes pensées sur 'Karl Tremblay, le chanteur des Cowboys Fringants, est décédé à l'âge de 47 ans - rts.ch - Musiques'

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Quelle tristesse ! Je ne savais même pas qu’il combattait le cancer. Les Cowboys Fringants, c’est un de mes groupes préférés, et je suis donc bouleversé par cette nouvelle. lien pour “Karl Tremblay, le chanteur des Cowboys Fringants, est décédé à l’âge de 47 ans - rts.ch - Musiques”

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I know I should probably exercise the MST3K Mantra here, but I don’t understand how you can carry a weapon as inherently dangerous as a lightsaber and describe yourself as a “guardian of peace and justice.”

Siri Shortcuts for updating Habitica from Apple Watch

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Back in July, I shared that I’d figured out how to use the Habitica API to create a Siri Shortcut for updating Habitica from my Apple Watch. A few weeks ago, Hypothesis user cormacauty left a comment on that post asking for more information about how I’d done that. This post is a (belated) response to that, in the form of sharing the Siri Shortcuts that I wrote. Part of the reason that it took so long for me to get to this is because I needed to duplicate and edit the Shortcuts to strip out my API key—I’m happy to share my work but don’t want other people to be able to make changes to my account for me.

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J’ai souvent l’impression que Johnny Hallyday savait plus sur Tennessee Williams que moi, un Américain, et même si j’apprécie cette chanson-là, je ressens donc toujours un peu de culpabilité en l’écoutant.

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I wanted this coconut tea to taste like coconut cream pie, but it’s going in the direction of piña colada instead, and I’m always disappointed when I make myself a cup.

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Je suis un Américain qui travaille pour une université américaine, mais je viens de recevoir un courriel (à mon compte professionnel) prétendant venir de l’EDF et annonçant que j’ai une facture à payer. Même si c’est évidemment du spam, je suis flatté qu’on essaie de m’arnaquer en français.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤 for Ultimate Spider-Man: Vol. 6, Venom, by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley

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I keep going back and forth on whether I’m going to rag on these comics for having silly comicbook logic, and now’s the time I’m really going to do it. Maybe it’s because I’ve never really cared about Venom, but this reinvention of the character feels especially silly. There’s a great conversation between Peter and Nick Fury that feels like it really gets at teasing apart superhero stories in fascinating ways, but as a whole, this was just not my favorite story in the run.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Daybreak, a game about fighting climate change, is blindly optimistic - Polygon'

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This is an interesting review of a game that I hadn’t heard of but am now intrigued by. I wouldn’t mind playing an overly optimistic game right now, but I also appreciate the central critique of the game in the review. I think there’s value in recognizing the tensions that prevent us from defeating these obstacles as (relatively) easily as we can in a game. link to “Daybreak, a game about fighting climate change, is blindly optimistic - Polygon”

📺 tvblog: ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤 pour Lupin (Partie 3)

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J’aime bien la plupart des personnages dans cette série, et c’est cool de voir un plan se dérouler. Pourtant, la logique narrative ne tenait pas hyper bien, et on avait parfois l’impression que les personnages faisaient des choses juste pour avancer une certaine histoire (et, d’ailleurs, qu’on inventait de nouveaux personnages pour la même raison).

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Ultimate Spider-Man: Vol. 5, Public Scrutiny, by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley

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Superhero stories continue to be kind of silly, but this one continues to be fun, so I’m going to keep reading. I’m starting to realize just how little of this series I’ve read, and it’s fun to catch up with things I’d heard about but never actually seen myself.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Ultimate Spider-Man: Vol. 4, Legacy, by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley

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This volume emphasized some of the parts of the series that don’t hold up, like casual schoolyard homophobia and damseling Mary Jane. Without dismissing those problems, though, there’s still a lot to like here. I have no recollection of this volume, and it’s interesting to get into new territory for the series.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Ultimate Spider-Man: Vol. 3, Double Trouble, by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley

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I’ve decided I don’t need to critically analyze these books anymore. They’re fun, I like Bagley’s art, and I think I’m starting to get into issues I haven’t read before. Hooray for hoopla and easy access to this whole run.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Ultimate Spider-Man: Vol. 2 Learning Curve, by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley

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There are a lot of reminders in this volume of how dumb superhero comics can be (how is a 15-year old going toe to toe with a crime boss?), but it’s also fun in a lot of ways, and I know I loved reading this when I was a teenager myself. It continues to be a fun series.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Ultimate Spider-Man: Vol. 1, Power and Responsibility, by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley

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I don’t know how many times I’ve already read this volume, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Ultimate Spider-Man. I know the earlier stuff better than the later stuff, though, so I’m hoping to make it through the whole series this time.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Spider-Man Life Story, by Chip Zdarsky

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I stayed up too late reading this, but it was fun. It’s a bit dumb in parts, but I love the effort to weld together all the major Spider-Man stories into a single lifetime of an aging Peter Parker. I love this kind of comic, the kind that reimagines established canon in interesting ways. Fun read.

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This morning, my very tired brain noticed that the title of the John Le Carré novel “(The) Tailor of Panama” follows the same syllable pattern as “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and started singing it accordingly.

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Je fais du vélotaf depuis des années, mais avec chaque petit changement de température, j’oublie complètement comment bien m’habiller.

🔗 linkblog: mes pensées sur 'Aller Versoix - rts.ch - Portail Audio'

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J’aime bien Gare à vous, mais j’aime en particulier les épisodes qui parlent des endroits que je reconnais. Ayant habité à Chambésy pendant plusieurs mois, j’ai passé un peu de temps à Versoix, et c’est sympa d’en apprendre l’histoire. lien pour “Aller Versoix - rts.ch - Portail Audio”

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Mario et ses amis font équipe dans 'Super Mario Bros. Wonder' - rts.ch - Arts visuels

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Il a l’air bien sympa ce jeu. Ma fille ne sait pas encore qu’on lui achète un Switch pour Noël, et je me demande si on va finir par y jouer. link to “Mario et ses amis font équipe dans “Super Mario Bros. Wonder” - rts.ch - Arts visuels”

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤 for Warlords of Appalachia, by Phillip Kennedy Johnson

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I don’t know what this book is supposed to be. It feels like too much worldbuilding and too little plot; I would like to see more of the Kentucky I know, but it also feels vaguely exploitative of Eastern Kentucky; it feels like an excuse for violent storytelling and wants to be something deeper without quite getting there. I wasn’t a fan.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for The Long War, by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter

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This series continues to have a really interesting premise, and I’m giving it some grace for how much it runs with that premise and treats it seriously. It took me a long time to get through this volume, though, because it’s getting a bit weird and the authors tend to fetishize the American frontier uncritically. I may come back to the series in the future, but not any time soon.

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One of my favorite things about Hugo is how much work I can do on a website from my phone (so long as I have a git client installed). Editing text files from a small screen isn’t a big deal.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Victor Wembanyama Star Wars: NBA Rookie Star's Wild Ranking'

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I’ve gotten this same vibe from my students: Prequels are okay, and it’s the sequel trilogy that must not be acknowledged. I don’t fully understand this thinking, but to each their own. link to “Victor Wembanyama Star Wars: NBA Rookie Star’s Wild Ranking”

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Un jour pendant mon séjour en France, un ami (aussi américain) m’envoie acheter des flocons d’avoine. Mais lui, il ne se souvient pas de la phrase complète, et moi, j’entends mal ce qu’il dit. C’est donc comme ça que j’arrive chez Casino demander tout bêtement « des flacons de quelque chose »

🔗 linkblog: mes pensées sur 'La Ville de Lausanne lance un projet pilote pour des abris vélo fermés et sécurisés - rts.ch - Vaud'

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😍😍😍 Joli ! lien pour “La Ville de Lausanne lance un projet pilote pour des abris vélo fermés et sécurisés - rts.ch - Vaud”

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La webradio joue un rôle important dans mes efforts de garder un lien avec le monde francophone depuis le Kentucky. Je suis donc content d’avoir appris ce matin comment trouver un flux caché d’une webradio—comme ça, je peux l’ajouter à une appli au lieu de visiter le site web.

📺 tvblog: ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤 for Ahsoka (Season 1)

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The show started off strong, and there are lots of individual details that I liked (including a compelling dark Jedi who made lightsaber duels interesting again). However, by the end, it felt like a mishmash of fanservice, addressing plot threads from a show I haven’t seen, but then setting them up for a future movie instead of actually resolving them. So many decisions seemed to happen for the sake of plot or convenience, and it was kind of a slog to finish the dang thing.