“Someday My [Chance To Sleep Deeply for An Indefinitely Long Time] Will Come”
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After a few years of demanding more sleep, it looks like my body is following up with becoming a lighter sleeper, too.
Hier soir, je me suis dit qu’il ne ferait pas de mal de ne pas me coucher à l’heure. Ce matin, je ne veux que me recoucher.
My Apple Watch is generous and congratulates me for a full night’s sleep even if I miss my goal by a few minutes. My body, on the other hand, is more demanding and keeps reminding me I needed more sleep.
I’m reading a productivity book that has some useful advice in it, but I’m bothered by the running encouragement to find a project I’m willing to get up early or stay up late for. I’ve learned in recent months that getting enough sleep is really important for me—more important than any project.
Hier soir, j’ai été sage en me couchant à l’heure. J’ai même réussi à vite m’endormir ! Logique, donc, que j’ai été réveillé bien avant l’heure prévue.
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