I believe RSS to be one of the best and most important web technologies out there. I try to keep it alive by consuming as much web content through RSS as I can and by making my content available through RSS feeds. One of the great things about the Hugo
software that I’m using for this website is the way that it makes it easy to subscribe to all or some of a website’s content through RSS. I recommend the Feedbin RSS service (which is paid but allows you to subscribe to Twitter feeds and newsletters through RSS), and NetNewsWire is a great option for macOS/iOS users. There are lots of good RSS clients and services out there, and I encourage folks to join me in helping keep it alive as a means of web content consumption.
If you want to subscribe to any of my content through RSS, here are some helpful links:
- all content on this website
- all long-form blog posts
- all microblog posts
- all linkblog posts
- all Myself content (i.e., personal interests and projects)
- all Relationships content (i.e., family life and friendships)
- all Work content (i.e., teaching and research)
- all Communities content (i.e., politics and religion)
You can even get more specific than this! I try to use consistent and regular tags in my writing. If you’re interested in a particular subject, head to the tags page of this website and bring up one of the tags. Then add index.xml
to the end of the URL and pop that into a feedreader to subscribe to only the posts on that subject.