confessing transport sins

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Today, after a brief appearance on campus to teach one class, I begin a convoluted trip to Pittsburgh to attend a conference for work. As this trip has gotten closer, I’ve looked at the details of my trip and slowly realized that I messed this up good in terms of deciding how to get to Pittsburgh and back. This post is a confession of my sins! I’m fairly transport conscious—at least for an American.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'America Aspires to One Day in the Far Future Build Rail Service Worse Than It Was in the 1940s'

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Wild article. We once knew how to do trains, so why can’t we figure it out better now? link to ‘America Aspires to One Day in the Far Future Build Rail Service Worse Than It Was in the 1940s’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Amtrak Spent 11 Years and $450 Million to Save Acela Riders 100 Seconds'

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Fitting that I’m reading this the day after booking Acela tickets. Fits with what I’ve said in the past: Northeast Corridor is great, but lets bring trains elsewhere too. link to ‘Amtrak Spent 11 Years and $450 Million to Save Acela Riders 100 Seconds’

booking tickets for American high-speed(?) rail

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Whenever I book travel for work, I pull up the Amtrak website to see if it would be in any way practical to add a rail component to the trip to replace flying (or driving, but it’s rare that I drive for work travel). Given the state of American rail, this is most often an exercise in disappointment. My only success story in four years at this job was when I attended a conference in Bordeaux; I flew into Paris and then took a low-cost OuiGo TGV for my trips between Paris and Bordeaux.

🔗 linkblog: just finished 'Billions in Amtrak Funding Could Modernize Aging Rail System - The New York Times'

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Northeast Corridor is great, but more trains in Kentucky, please. I don’t mind waiting. link to ‘Billions in Amtrak Funding Could Modernize Aging Rail System - The New York Times’

🔗 linkblog: just read 'trains are people'

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I have been enjoying these posts from a user documenting his cross-countey Amtrak travels. link to trains are people

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Just booked family Amtrak tickets and I’ve never felt so alive.