🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Facebook Says Apple is Too Powerful. They're Right. | Electronic Frontier Foundation'

Doctorow is spot on here. Apple may be the most benevolent of the big tech companies, but it still has far too much power over its users. link to ‘Facebook Says Apple is Too Powerful. They’re Right. | Electronic Frontier Foundation’

🔗 linkblog: just finished 'How the Open App Markets Act wants to remake app stores - The Verge'

This would really change things up! link to ‘How the Open App Markets Act wants to remake app stores - The Verge’

🔗 linkblog: just finished 'Tumblr goes overboard censoring tags on iOS to comply with Apple’s guidelines - The Verge'

There are clear cases where platforms need to be moderating more content, but let’s not forget the seemingly-well-intentioned but overreaching cases either. link to ‘Tumblr goes overboard censoring tags on iOS to comply with Apple’s guidelines - The Verge’

🔗 linkblog: just read '‘Sideloading is a cyber criminal’s best friend,’ according to Apple’s software chief - The Verge'

By this logic, macOS is malware’s best friend by allowing users to install software outside the App Store. It’s a dumb argument. link to ‘‘Sideloading is a cyber criminal’s best friend,’ according to Apple’s software chief - The Verge’

🔗 linkblog: just read 'Apple and Google Remove ‘Navalny’ Voting App in Russia - The New York Times'

This is maybe the best example I’ve seen of app stores being a problematic model. Is there an Android app that could be sideloaded? Definitely isn’t for Apple, and that’s shameful. link to ‘Apple and Google Remove ‘Navalny’ Voting App in Russia - The New York Times’