Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “content aggregation”
- kudos:
… and as long as I’m posting about fun-but-unnecessary website hacks I don’t have time for, I’d also love to redo the taxonomies and templates on my site to make it easy to navigate media reviews by author, title, series, etc. No one would use it but me, but I’d have a lot of fun with it.
webcomics and the importance of content aggregation
- kudos:One of the joys of teaching a class on content management is the way that the concepts we discuss and work with have seeped deep into my brain, making it impossible to consume web content casually ever again. I write that half jokingly, but it’s amazing how much ICT 302 affects the way that I see the web, and how much my everyday encounters with the web shape my teaching in that class.
some Hypothesis (and other) updates for the blog
- kudos:Shortly after last week’s mostly-successful experiment with Hypothesis, I noticed Chris Aldrich posting to about the software and started up a conversation. I’d followed Chris a few weeks before in trying to get more into (perhaps my favorite indie social media platform out there, though I’m also enjoying getting into Mastodon) by following academia and academia-adjacent folks, and was pleased to see an area of common interest. It wasn’t until a separate conversation on Mastodon this morning that I remembered that my Hypothesis setup was dependent on my manually checking annotations on my website.