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This semester, I am encouraged to include in my syllabus links to student resources related to mental health, food insecurity, etc., but required to include instructions for how to respond to an “active aggressor.” How depressing.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Calls for action on gun violence meet silence from Kentucky's Republican legislative leaders - Kentucky Lantern'

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Local shame in response to local tragedy. link to ‘Calls for action on gun violence meet silence from Kentucky’s Republican legislative leaders - Kentucky Lantern’

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If I were a better person, I’d be as rattled by any shooting as I am by the one on my alma mater’s campus. If we were a better country, that wouldn’t feel like such an overwhelming idea.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Gun-makers made millions marketing AR-15-style guns as a sign of manhood : NPR'

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So much of modern right-wing politics boils down to concerns about masculinity. link to ‘Gun-makers made millions marketing AR-15-style guns as a sign of manhood : NPR’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Kentucky school district bans backpacks for older students | Lexington Herald Leader'

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I went to high school post Columbine, so we could only use mesh or clear backpacks and were required to wear IDs at all times. Even at the time, that felt like security theater. Schools can’t solve this problem with decisions like these–we need to decide as a society to rethink our relationship with guns. link to ‘Kentucky school district bans backpacks for older students | Lexington Herald Leader’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Schools Are Spending Billions on High-Tech Defense for Mass Shootings - The New York Times'

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Gun violence can’t be solved with educational technology—and make no mistake, all of this is edtech. link to ‘Schools Are Spending Billions on High-Tech Defense for Mass Shootings - The New York Times’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'The Silver Bullet of Anti-Shooter Educational Technologies — Civics of Technology'

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Solid thinking by researchers I respect and admire. I especially appreciate the point that no solution exists outside politics. link to ‘The Silver Bullet of Anti-Shooter Educational Technologies — Civics of Technology’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Axon Halts Plans to Sell Flying Taser Drones to Schools'

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What’s the point in having an ethics board if you’re going to so flagrantly ignore them? Good on members for responding with resignations, and thank goodness Axon woke up to how dunb their decision was. link to ‘Axon Halts Plans to Sell Flying Taser Drones to Schools’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Firm proposes Taser-armed drones to stop school shootings : NPR'

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This is unbelievably dumb. School shootings can’t be solved by technology—it’s a social and political problem. Shame on Axon. link to ‘Firm proposes Taser-armed drones to stop school shootings : NPR’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'A Reporter Reflects on Covering Seven Mass Shootings — ProPublica'

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This is difficult but important to read. As gut wrenching as these shootings are, I am still distant enough from them that they don’t always stick with me. It’s helpful if depressing to read about what sticks with others who are closer to them. [link to ‘A Reporter Reflects on Covering Seven Mass Shootings — ProPublica’](https://www.propublica.org/article/shooting-news-msm-reporter-essay

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'McConnell mum on guns as U.S. Senate recesses for a week – 89.3 WFPL News Louisville'

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Disappointing but unsurprising. I wish McConnell would show as much willingness to call out Republicans on guns as he does for Ukraine. link to ‘McConnell mum on guns as U.S. Senate recesses for a week – 89.3 WFPL News Louisville’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Richard Scarry's 21st Century Classroom | Boing Boing'

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Tom the Dancing Bug is usually just the right level of dark. link to ‘Richard Scarry’s 21st Century Classroom | Boing Boing’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on '‘It Was the Wrong Decision’: Uvalde Cops Waited in Hallway as Kids Called 911 Begging to Be Saved From Gunman'

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It makes me sick and angry to read all of this. We have so badly failed the children of this country. link to ‘‘It Was the Wrong Decision’: Uvalde Cops Waited in Hallway as Kids Called 911 Begging to Be Saved From Gunman’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Ted Cruz walks away after reporter asks him why mass shootings keep happening : NPR'

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Imagine thinking that this is the price we pay for American exceptionalism. Imagine thinking that mourning these children and wanting to do something about it is a partisan agenda. link to ‘Ted Cruz walks away after reporter asks him why mass shootings keep happening : NPR’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on ''The Onion' has reused this satire after more than 20 mass shootings since 2014 : NPR'

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This is one of the best things The Onion has ever done. link to ‘‘The Onion’ has reused this satire after more than 20 mass shootings since 2014 : NPR’

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For the first time in our relationship, we both felt like we needed to ask “So, what would we do if there were an active shooter at this event?” while making Saturday plans. Didn’t feel great.