🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'To Log Into WordPress, You Now Have To Agree Pineapple on Pizza Is Good'

Look, I don’t know all the finer points of this debate, but Mullenweg has repeatedly struck me as petty and juvenile, so it’s hard to imagine taking his side on any of the more substantive issues here. link to “To Log Into WordPress, You Now Have To Agree Pineapple on Pizza Is Good”

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Employees Describe an Environment of Paranoia and Fear Inside Automattic Over WordPress Chaos'

Wild to read this so soon after finishing Character Limit, because I’m getting very similar vibes. link to “Employees Describe an Environment of Paranoia and Fear Inside Automattic Over WordPress Chaos”

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on '‘The Community Is In Chaos:’ WordPress.org Now Requires You Denounce Affiliation With WP Engine To Log In'

This was a hell of a semester to decide to not dedicate a whole lecture to WordPress in my CMS class. link to “‘The Community Is In Chaos:’ WordPress.org Now Requires You Denounce Affiliation With WP Engine To Log In”

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'If WordPress is to survive, Matt Mullenweg must be removed'

I teach WordPress, and I guess I should be covering this this semester. I’ve been avoiding reading about recent drama at Automattic, but if this is a taste of it, wow, wow, wow. link to “If WordPress is to survive, Matt Mullenweg must be removed”