🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'How Does the Book of Mormon Reinterpret the Bible? – From the Desk'

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Austin’s book was already on my ’to read’ list, but this interview really convinced me. There are some really interesting arguments in here, and while I want to evaluate them in more detail, they’d provide fascinating readings if they hold up. link to “How Does the Book of Mormon Reinterpret the Bible? – From the Desk”

the difficulty of imagining the kingdom of God

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In recent years, I’ve enjoyed seeing the “kingdom of God” in a new way than I’d understood it growing up. To take one example, here’s a quote from Mormon blogger Michael Austin in a By Common Consent post: The Kingdom of God was and is part of the world of human possibility: something that people could build in the middle of whatever other kingdoms they inhabited by acting with charity, forgiveness, and compassion.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on '“Line upon line, precept on precept”? Maybe not.'

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Fascinating perspective. I’d never learned this before. link to “‘Line upon line, precept on precept’? Maybe not.”