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I’ve had a several moments this week where it’s felt okay—and not like failure—to acknowledge that my life and my self don’t match the idealized vision of the future I had when I was younger. I’ve been learnng this lesson for years, but this week has felt like a big step forward.

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This morning’s freezing bike commute has me dressing like a double-balaclavad bank robber with a love for fluorescent yellow.

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Generally, I discourage my intro to data science students from tackling questions they can’t answer at their level of programming, but sometimes I get so interested in the question that I end up writing the code for them so I can see what they do with it.

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Apprendre à reconnaître la voix de Johnny Hallyday, c’était une étape importante dans mon apprentissage de tout ce qui est francophone. Jean-Baptiste Guégan (sa sosie vocale) pose donc problème quand il chante à la radio.

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Going through old things and found a letter from my grandfather. It’s all typed except for a signature and a handwritten line at the very top: “All errors, be it spelling, grammar, etc., are fault of computer!!”

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Quand j’étudiais le français au lycée, on s’amusait beaucoup à imaginer que tout prénom terminant en « -er » (comme le mien) puisse se conjuguer comme un verbe du 1er groupe—et que le nom Beyoncé était donc un participe passé. C’était tout bête, mais ça faisait marrer.

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I think one of the most important things in learning to do research is understanding that it’s a process of argumentation more than a process of discovery.

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I tell myself I won’t work nights and weekends, but every semester, there comes a point where this principled stance gets me so behind that I have to work nights and weekends to catch up.

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Je n’ai jamais mangé chez Quick pendant mon séjour en France, mais hier, je me baladais virtuellement à Grenoble, et j’ai vu un resto Quick que j’avais souvent vu et qui avait été transformé en Burger King, et cela m’a donné une tristesse bizarre.

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Three years ago today, I visited a mental health therapist for the first time and immediately wished I’d done it a decade earlier. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself, and I can’t recommend the experience enough.

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Yesterday, my spouse asked why my Apple Watch was named GTS Centaur, and I faced the difficult choice between saying it didn’t really matter and launching into an explanation of the 1999 space sim Descent: Freespace.

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Guy de mot-de-passant.

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I’ve been skeptical of writing manuscripts in Markdown or LaTeX for ages, but today I found myself asking where the “code editor” was in Word, so maybe it’s time to give it a try.

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Thanks to a French Burger King commercial, I’ve just learned the French translation for “Paw Patrol.”

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Just wrote in an email that the worst part of academia is when my breaks from school don’t line up with my kid’s. I wrote it flippantly, but I don’t think I’m too far off.

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It’s September, and we’re on our second cold of the school year. 😩

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Kiddo’s classmate thinks our ridealong setup (which attaches a third wheel and second seat for kiddo to my normal bike) should be called a tricycle. I love it, but it enrages kiddo for reasons I don’t get.

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I think one of the cutest American customs is the little wave drivers give cyclists after almost driving them off the road. Looking at you, UPS truck.

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Dunno why Canvas took blockquoting out of their WYSIWYG editor, but joke’s on them, because I know where the code editor is and what the right HTML tags are.

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This afternoon, kiddo tried to walk out of the library to the car without stopping her book, which makes me optimistic about her development as a reader.

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Grâce à une conversation avec une amie (celle qui m’a donné une pièce de 5 CHF), je me suis souvenu ce matin de l’émission RTS « Gare à vous ». J’en profite pour découvrir Romanshorn en rangeant la maison cet après-midi.

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I’m currently on a search committee for the new director of our School of Information Science, and it’s kind of neat that academics get to hire their own bosses. My students’ minds were blown yesterday when I explaned this.

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Ma fille se plaint quand on écoute « La marine marchande » des Cowboys fringants parce qu’elle ne comprend pas le français, mais si elle comprenait le français, je n’oserai jamais écouter cette chanson devant elle !

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Je viens de recevoir une pièce de 5 CHF (la meilleure pièce de toutes les monnaies du monde) d’une amie qui a visité la Suisse cet été. Quel beau cadeau et souvenir !

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I’ve long written in my journal kind things people say about me. I used to think of that as vanity, but since recognizing my imposter syndrome and other mental health struggles, I think of it as storing up confidence for hard days.

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There was a brief period of publisher generosity early in COVID times where I snagged so many PDFs of books my uni library usually doesn’t have access to. Still making my way through them.

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Currently reading John Turner’s excellent biography of Brigham Young, and I keep wanting to highlight passages and then send them to Brad Wilcox.

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I just got paid by a journal after they accepted one of my papers, and as happy as I am about this, it is so far out of my normal academic experience that I feel disoriented.

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It’s been an existentially and emotionally tiring weekend, so the “person man” verse of TMBG’s Particle Man is hitting in a way it hasn’t before.

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‘If there was a dimension where they didn’t brush teeth, I would want to live there.’

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Je viens de payer une facture assez chère pour faire entretenir et réparer mon vélo, mais la facture annuelle juste pour le droit de garer une voiture chez mon travail coûterait deux fois ça. Je sors donc toujours gagnant.

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Today’s email from ClassDojo claims that they are proud of my kid and that the message is sent with love. I get that this is a thing that marketing departments do, but I find the cynicism appalling.

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I’m very glad that figuring out my office phone is not a prerequisite for tenure, or else my application would be in real trouble right now.

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When I was in school, I’d frequently get stressed about whether I was sick enough to warrant staying home. The idea of making a “wrong” choice in either direction was frightening. Anyway, it turns out that anxiety extends to making that same decision for my kid.

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It’s a work from home day, but I put on real work clothes to meet with a student, only for them not to show. I think it was genuine miscommunication rather than irresponsibility, but still grumpy that I’m in a button-down shirt right now.

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The parent of one of my (college) students this semester was previously the (early childhood) teacher for my kid. Funny how these things happen!