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Kiddo has a very non-literal father and an atheist mother, so we pay close attention to what happens during Zoom children’s ministry. It’s always a bit tricky, but this week’s combination of Elf on the Shelf stories and non-critical approaches to the Book of Daniel was probably the hardest yet.

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Merci à YouTube de me permettre un petit voyage en tramway grenoblois ce matin.

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I know that video game adaptations of other properties are always dodgy, but how did they make Wreck-It Ralph’s so dang bad?

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Kiddo’s awesome “advent calendar of magic” is prominently advertised as a STEM toy, and that’s been bugging me. Not because it isn’t true, but because things don’t need to be STEM to be valuable.

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My journaling app just let me know that today is the 6-year anniversary of my campus interview here at the University of Kentucky. Hard to believe it’s been that long!

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Le vélotaf, j’aime bien. Arriver au bureau trempé et froid, après avoir survécu à qqs conducteurs inattentifs, ça, j’aime moins.

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My second-to-last class meeting for my content management course featured an impromptu lecture on how URL structure is undervalued by both web users and site designers. It wasn’t irrelevant to course concepts, but I hadn’t been planning on it either.

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The bassist for one of my favorite bands is an academic by day, which must be the reason why they have the only song I’ve ever heard with “post doc” in the lyrics.

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It’s finally happened: I’ve seen a comic book panel that has the same style as the Take On Me music video.

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I have been feeling bad all semester for the students who signed up for my data science class because they enjoyed my games and learning one. I’m the same professor in both, but games and learning is very fun-focused and sociocultural, whereas data science is a firehose of stats and coding.

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Used bookstores for the win! Found the first two volumes of an out-of-print comics series I’ve been wanting to try for months because it’s inspired by a TV series I really liked. Went ahead and bought both because I doubt I’ll ever have luck this good again.

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Thomas Merton believed that he could (and should) advocate for a clear cause even in understanding that the actual solution would be complex and that he did not therefore know the details. The most prominent of these causes was an abolition of war, and I feel like that’s more relevant than ever.

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Kiddo has no cousins on my side of the family, so during our Thanksgiving Zoom call, we successfully lobbied to add her to the siblings and partners gift exchange we do every Christmas.

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Anyone who doesn’t accept that gender is socially constructed needs to explain to me why one of the cartoon turkeys on my Thanksgiving 5k shirt is wearing lipstick and a pearl necklace just so we know the race is open to women.

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Helping a student distinguish between backticks and single quotes and remembering the 8th grade keyboarding students from a decade ago who complained that I made them do code in a class they thought should be about learning to type properly. Gotta do the latter to do the former.

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I respect web forms that don’t let me paste content into the “confirm email” field, but I still resent them.

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Comme mon épouse se débrouille en français, on s’en sert pour parler des cadeaux devant notre fille exclusivement anglophone. Mais comme « Pokémon » serait quand-même reconnaissable, mon épouse a dû trouver une circonlocution : « le jeu vidéo de… pochette…. monstre ? »

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Spouse and I have been using French to talk about Christmas presents in front of kiddo. Tonight, I got to hear spouse refer to “monsters of the pocket” so that kiddo wouldn’t recognize “Pokémon” in the middle of an otherwise incomprehensible-to-her sentence.

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Spouse typically has a strict after-Thanksgiving rule for Christmas decorations, so the fact that we’re breaking them out today should tell you something about the week we had.

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Watched The Great Mouse Detective with kiddo earlier today and am now reading Neil Gaiman’s A Study in Emerald. These are… two very different takes on Holmes.

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“Just as I suspected, Daddy… You’ve been listening to We Will Rock You!”

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For orthodontic reasoms, kiddo has to brush teeth after eating basically anything, and we usually double check after each brushing. This just happened while I was making myself some chai, so she complained my fingers tasted like tea when I was poking them in her mouth.

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I know I should probably exercise the MST3K Mantra here, but I don’t understand how you can carry a weapon as inherently dangerous as a lightsaber and describe yourself as a “guardian of peace and justice.”

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Kiddo gets scared by even the mildest of spooky things, but she also loves the “jibblies” monster from Homestar Runner and does imitations of it where she says legitimately creepy things, and I don’t know how to reconcile those.

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J’ai souvent l’impression que Johnny Hallyday savait plus sur Tennessee Williams que moi, un Américain, et même si j’apprécie cette chanson-là, je ressens donc toujours un peu de culpabilité en l’écoutant.

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I wanted this coconut tea to taste like coconut cream pie, but it’s going in the direction of piña colada instead, and I’m always disappointed when I make myself a cup.

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Did early voting on Saturday, so I guess my civic contribution for today is giving kiddo extra screen time while her school is being used as a polling place.

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I always assumed “Dem Bones” was one of those vaguely educational children’s songs (meant to teach anatomy?) and was always confused by the line “hear the word of the Lord.” I was yesterday years old when I finally realized the song is a reference to that story in Ezekiel.

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Je suis un Américain qui travaille pour une université américaine, mais je viens de recevoir un courriel (à mon compte professionnel) prétendant venir de l’EDF et annonçant que j’ai une facture à payer. Même si c’est évidemment du spam, je suis flatté qu’on essaie de m’arnaquer en français.

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Got to do early voting at the library today, which neatly combines a lot of my favorite things into a single experience.

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It weirds me out that linking to a file in an email is starting to become the new attaching a file to an email. It isn’t that I’ve never done this, but it seems like it’s the default for my students—even for file types that I don’t think of as cloud-specific.

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This morning, my very tired brain noticed that the title of the John Le Carré novel “(The) Tailor of Panama” follows the same syllable pattern as “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and started singing it accordingly.

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I know it’s not Advent yet, but I’m feeling impatient for Advent, and if I start checking out Advent books from Libby/the library now, I won’t have to compete with people for them in a month when Advent really starts.

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The sheer hassle of ordering an instructor copy of this McGraw-Hill textbook is only strengthening my commitment to eventually replacing it with an open textbook.

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I have thought for years about the way that Twitter research (in the aggregate) serves as a largely unintentional history of Twitter, but I’ve never thought to wonder what that specifically looks like right now.

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Je fais du vélotaf depuis des années, mais avec chaque petit changement de température, j’oublie complètement comment bien m’habiller.