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Don’t tell my students, but half the reason I have them work with Hugo in my web content management class is because I enjoy working with it so much. Over the past week, I’ve hacked together an author taxonomy for our class site, and I’m super pleased with it.

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You know, I think the combination of research training in ed tech and currently teaching ICT classes makes me particularly critical of the “digital native” idea.

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Just had a student explain that such-and-such a file wasn’t in a specific folder, it was just on their computer, in case anyone was wondering how digital native rhetoric is holding up. Need to bookmark that 2021 article from The Verge.

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I think academia undervalues teaching and that teaching-focused faculty deserve more status, recognition, and compensation. Yet, I’m still suspicious of the new BYU-Idaho president’s comments on the need for “a faculty free of the obligations of research.”

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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Nothing reminds me as much of teaching French as does teaching programming. It takes a lot of the same metacognition to learn both, and it’s really hard to teach that metacognition.

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Une fois en enseignant le FLE, une étudiante a écrit la phrase « Je me suis blessée, mais j’étais d’accord ». Elle savait que « d’accord » voulait dire « okay », et en anglais « okay » peut signifier aussi « pas mal » ou « assez bien », et elle a donc fait un lien de trop.

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J’ai lu sur la RTS que c’est aujourd’hui la journée mondiale du sourire, mais moi, j’ai tout de suite pensé au fameux « rire, c’est bon pour la santé » de Johann Schneider-Ammann.

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Hyper sympa, quand on branche tous ses appareils le soir et puis se rend compte le matin que la prise ne fonctionnait pas.

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Because we have a library science program, my dept. often gets sample books from publishers that faculty can take for free. Today, kiddo is with me at work, and one of the new sample books just happens to be a long graphic novel from an author she likes. Serendipity is great.

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In making my most recent batch of homemade muesli, I underestimated the power of a particular kitchen appliance and wound up basically adding almond flour to the recipe instead of the crushed almonds I’d planned on.

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The narrator in my current audiobook just wondered (critically) if a character found an ethically dodgy situation “too useful to have a conscience about,” and I think it’s one of the best lines I’ve ever heard.

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I don’t know if I’m using OneDrive wrong or if it is just that much worse than Google Drive for syncing local files.

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Another set of proofs, another set of complaints about a copyeditor making changes to my writing in ways that distort my meaning. If I get grumpy about a human doing my writing for me, why would I ever want generative AI to do it?

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Il y a un tas de passeports et de permis de conduire périmés dans un tiroir chez moi, et chaque fois que j’ouvre ce tiroir, je me sens un tout petit peu Jason Bourne.

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In a recent session, a counselor I’ve been seeing recommended a simple self-acceptance practice, and I’m pleased (and, I’ll admit, surprised) by how much it’s been helping.

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The British narrator of the audiobook I’m listening to can only do American accents that sound like they’re from early 20th century radio serials. I find it charming, and I’m sure it’s much better than all the British accents Americans have butchered over the years.

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After leaving our local indie bookstore, I realized how appropriate it was to spend some money there the same day the FTC goes after Amazon.

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Someone let us go to our local indie bookstore the week that kiddo is recovering from a rough semi-allergic reaction, so now she has a bunch of new stuff to read, and we have a lot more loyalty points.

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Welcome to Mysterious Malady Monday, every parent’s favorite way to start the week!

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Kiddo just responded to an instance of sexism in the past with a sarcastic “thanks, history!” and I think this should become a standard answer.

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I don’t know if I’m pleased or disturbed by how often the classic British political sitcom “Yes, Minister” is relevant to my work in academia.

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Unborking my blogging automations has been a pain, but on the upside, changing how I do it in Siri Shortcuts has fixed something small in my linkposts that’s bugged me for years.

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One of the Vice journalists currently reporting on the Tim Ballard allegations just followed my (now dormant) Twitter account, and I’m going to take that as validation of my research on far-right Mormonism.

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Si vous voyez ce message, j’aurai réussi à refaire mes raccourcis pour poster depuis mon portable.

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It’s already indefensible that ClassDojo promises greater access to teachers for parents willing to pay, but these features also translate into letting richer parents put more pressure on teachers. This business model is awful.

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If some tea (well, tisane) purist wants to tell me that smores tea shouldn’t be a thing, I don’t really have a great counterargument, but it’s delicious, so I have no plans to stop drinking it.

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Another paper, another fight with copyeditors about not capitalizing danah boyd’s name.

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Journal copyeditors are great when they fix things, but when they break my sentences and don’t ask questions about “[information removed for blinding]”, I wonder what the point is.

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Journal copyeditor changed a bunch of first-person language in our abstract to third-person “the authors,” and I am peeved.

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I have seen some unwieldly proofing software in my short career, but the one they’re having me use for my newest acceptance really takes the cake. I’d rather (re)learn InDesign and fix it there.

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I often gripe that Markdown doesn’t have as much functionality as HTML, but I just had to hand-convert a short .md document to .html, and it emphasized just how much easier it is to write Markdown on the fly.

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I was already enjoying the actual play podcast Worlds Beyond Number, but once the phrase “pro bono rules lawyer” was uttered, I knew I was totally in.

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I inherited from my mom a heart rate that just trends low—even lower if I’m exercising regularly. The doctors I’ve talked to aren’t concerned about it, but every morning, my Apple Watch freaks out, convinced that I almost died in my sleep.

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Every copyright transfer I sign destroys another part of my soul.

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College conversation about investment in GPT-type tech to support research is continuing. I think it’s… fitting that the survey being circulated is clearly using Qualtrics’s auto-suggested Likert responses—and that the responses aren’t quite right for the questions being asked.

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Il y a beaucoup de sagesse dans la chanson « Octobre » des Cowboys fringants. Faut que je l’écoute plus souvent.