🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Un art neuf | Collège de France'

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Il y a quelques années, j’ai découvert Thimas Römer grâce à un entretien sur le podcast « Le rayon bd ». C’était peu après que j’ai découvert ses leçons sur les milieux bibliques données au Collège de France. J’aime bien écouter ces leçons comme podcast même si elles n’ont rien à voir avec la BD. Ça semble tout réunir d’entendre Römer présenter Benoît Peeters pour des leçons sur la BD au Collège de France, et j’en suis bien content.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Beware the Gifts of Dragons: How D&D’s Open Gaming License May Have Become a Trap for Creators | Electronic Frontier Foundation'

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So this is the OGL kerfuffle I’ve heard a bit about recently. This would be a bad move by WotC, but I’m also intrigued by what the EFF has to say here. link to ‘Beware the Gifts of Dragons: How D&D’s Open Gaming License May Have Become a Trap for Creators | Electronic Frontier Foundation’

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There’s a lot I love about using Hugo for my website, but one of the best bits is that since posts are stored as text files, it’s remarkably straightforward to write a script to do bulk edits.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤 for Superman: Earth One (Volume One), by J. Michael Straczynski

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I’ve read this a couple times before, so I knew it wouldn’t be great, but it was on sale for a dollar at a used book store, and I have a soft spot for it (including its sequels), so I picked it up and gave it another go. I think this retelling makes big mistakes about Superman (believing that destructive fights and interstellar intrigue are what makes the character interesting) and about origin story retellings (gesturing to the reader and including shocking plot twists), but it also asks the important questions about power and responsibility that make Superman stories good.

📺 tvblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Slow Horses Season 2

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I’ve been looking forward to this since the first season ended. Midway through watching the first season, I’d already begun reading the series, and I may have already finished the second book by the time I saw the trailer for the second series. This season did a great job at making use of the source material while changing and improving things as needed. It’s a fun book series, but I think it’s shaping up to be a better show.

📚 bookblog: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤 for Belonging, by Nora Krug

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What a beautiful book! Krug’s story of exploring both what it means to be German and her family’s connection to Nazism is moving, and her multimodal approach—combining text, photos, and drawings—really helps the story come alive. It was sometimes hard to follow all the names and threads, but that’s largely my own fault. I’d been meaning to read this for a while and was pleased to randomly find it on a library shelf.

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It’s been so long since I stayed up to welcome in the new year that there was a brief moment last night where I honestly couldn’t remember if you’re supposed to do that on December 31st or January 1st.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Bring back personal blogging - The Verge'

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Yes, yes, and yes. I don’t know what the future of the social web will look like, but blogs are what it should look like. link to ‘Bring back personal blogging - The Verge’

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Even on my second read-through, it’s hard to believe how good the 2016 Flintstones comic actually is.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Twitter rival Mastodon rejects funding to preserve nonprofit status | Ars Technica'

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Mastodon isn’t perfect, but this strikes me as a good sign. link to ‘Twitter rival Mastodon rejects funding to preserve nonprofit status | Ars Technica’

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Doing some Christmas Eve Geoguessr, and I think I ought to make this a tradition.

quitting scrolling, not just Twitter

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Although it’s been a real delight to see so many people joining Mastodon over the past few weeks, I’ve found that there’s also a disadvantage that I hadn’t expected: I’m spending a lot more time scrolling through Mastodon these days than I ever have since setting up my Mastodon accounts. When I began setting up Mastodon accounts and shifting away from Twitter back in April, I felt like I had made a big leap forward in terms of my online consumption.

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I think it would be dumb to name my next TTRPG character “John Mastodon,” but I’m not sure that will stop me.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Mastodon users embrace columnist's funny error about a fictitious John Mastodon | Boing Boing'

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This has been one of the most delightful moments I’ve experienced in my relatively short time on Mastodon. This week has been a good one for Mastodon: Musk’s continued missteps have brought more people, and a meme like this one helps give the fediverse more of a shared culture. link to ‘Mastodon users embrace columnist’s funny error about a fictitious “John Mastodon” | Boing Boing’

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a-ha’s “The Living Daylights” came up on a playlist just now, and it made me want to play Axis and Allies. I received the game the same Christmas my brother received a CD of James Bond music, and the two will always be associated in my mind.

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Lundi dernier, sachant qu’il serait une semaine difficile, je me suis offert du vrai gruyère suisse. Il y a eu des jours depuis où ce n’était qu’un petit bout de ce fromage magnifique qui m’a permis de continuer.

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Je viens de découvrir que les CFF vendent de petits oeuvres d’art faits à partir de vieux afficheurs à palettes. C’est qqch que je cherche depuis longtemps, mais on ne livre pas jusqu’aux États-Unis. 😭😭😭

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Is Mick Herron the Best Spy Novelist of His Generation? | The New Yorker'

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I enjoy Herron’s books, so I enjoyed this article! link to ‘Is Mick Herron the Best Spy Novelist of His Generation? | The New Yorker’

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It occurred to me this morning that one could build Tales from the Loop RPG characters based on Homestar Runner’s Teen Girl Squad, and now I really want to try it.

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Je ne suis pas le foot de trop près (ni aucun autre sport, à vrai dire), mais cet après-midi, j’allume RTS La Première. Hop Suisse !

de petits souvenirs ferroviaires de Suisse

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C’est drôle comme de touts petits souvenirs peuvent peser lourds dans sa mémoire. J’ai déjà écrit plusieurs posts à ce sujet, mais cet après-midi, j’ai envie d’en écrire davantage. Je suis en train de faire des corrections pour mon travail comme prof de techologies de l’information et de la communication. J’aime bien ce travail, mais je n’aime pas du tout faire des corrections, et j’ai donc l’habitude de mettre une vidéo « en cabine » pendant que je fais le travail.

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Bien content d’avoir découvert le Calendrier de l’Avent de noelenbd.fr (même si je suis deçu d’avoir raté les premiers jours). Encore plus content qu’Izneo ne défend pas aux non-Français de profiter de l’offre.

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This weekend, I read Kate Beaton’s new graphic novel memoir, “Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands” in a single sitting. It was excellent and really got me thinking.

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Pretty windy this morning, which will add another dimension to bike commute safety.

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One of the highlights of this week’s family gathering was teaching my cousin’s kids to play the all-ages TTRPG Magical Kitties Save the Day. I didn’t make a firm commitment, but I did suggest we might be able to revisit our game sometime over Zoom.

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Le « Black Friday » est déjà désespérant quand il est limité aux États-Unis. Quelle tristesse de me rendre compte combien cet évènement stupide est maintenant répandu ailleurs.

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Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we’ve reached the season where my colleagues (and students) think I’m crazy for continuing to bike commute. Despite sometimes achey fingers, the cold itself is usually easy to deal with. When I get worried is when there’s ice on the roads.

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I bought a French novel at a used bookstore last week, but I’ve felt burned out on reading lately, so it’s gone to the pile of books I keep meaning to read but keep skipping in favor of Minecraft or something else.

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chenséliser \ʃɑ̃zelize\ (verbe intransitif) : se balader à Paris comme touriste

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J’aime quasiment toutes les pistes sur le nouvel album de Stromae, mais j’apprécie surtout « C’est que du bonheur », où il parle en toute franchise des hauts et des bas de l’expérience d’être parent d’un jeune enfant.

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Hearing about Kevin Conroy’s death (😭😭😭) has me reading about Batman: The Animated Series, which has me reading about various “ages” (golden, silver, bronze) of comics. Was there ever an aluminium age? If not, what would it have looked like?

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I’m currently on a train where you can’t adjust the seat in any way. As tall as I am, that means the head rest digs into my shoulder blades if I sit up straight. No wonder my posture is lousy.

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Over a decade ago, when I was discovering British TV, I imagined a ridiculous hypothetical crossover of all my favorite shows. For example, Sir Humphrey from ‘Yes, Minister’ turned out to be the Master from ‘Doctor Who.’

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In 2022, I joined the prescription sunglasses club. It’s great, but it requires making certain I’m packing any glasses I’m not wearing. That failed yesterday, so I’m wearing old, scratched indoor glasses until I can get my good ones from work.

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Le mec sur RTS Option Musique dit que Johnny Hallyday a fait une version française de « Sweet Home Alabama », et je ne sais pas comment réagir.

microblogvember and the surprising joy of random words

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Recently, I was listening to a podcast episode that was touching on deconstruction. It was chiefly concerned with the term as it’s used in religious contexts, but to do so, it was going back to its intellectual roots, with Jacques Derrida and Ferdinand de Saussure. As the host, Jared Byas, summarized the ideas of deconstruction: we can’t ever escape language and the meaning of language depends on other parts of that language.