🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Going the Distance at the Tram Driver Olympics'

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I had never heard of the tram driver Olympics before, and I love it. [gift link] link to “Going the Distance at the Tram Driver Olympics”

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Call to Life | Daily Bread | Community of Christ'

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Seeing an official publication of my church advocate for public transit is a beautiful combination of two of my favorite things. I’m very pleased! link to “Call to Life | Daily Bread | Community of Christ”

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After nearly thirteen years of life as a one-car family, we’re buying a second car today. I wish we didn’t have to, but I keep reminding myself this is as much a natural consequence of the systemic failures of American public transit as it is a deliberate family decision.

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J’ai appris cette semaine que les transports publics de ma ville sont soutenus par la RATP, ce qui m’étonne pas mal.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Public Transportation – Design Goodiness'

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Enilda is great, and I appreciate her thoughts here. link to ‘Public Transportation – Design Goodiness’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'A tradition ends: Paris says goodbye to iconic paper Metro tickets'

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Love the paper tickets, and this makes me sad. link to ‘A tradition ends: Paris says goodbye to iconic paper Metro tickets’

distant villages turned metro stops

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Twelve years ago, I spent a summer in Geneva completing an internship at the NGO Geneva Call ( « Appel de Genève » ). Being the bookworm that I am, I naturally grabbed a few books to bring with me. I know that I read through Eric Raymond’s The Cathedral and the Bazaar that summer—I had just started using Ubuntu and was wildly (over)optimistic about the ideals of open source.

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Thanks to Reddit and Wikipedia, I learned this morning that Cincinnati has an abandoned, partially completed subway system. Grew up just south of Cincy but never heard this until now.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'America Aspires to One Day in the Far Future Build Rail Service Worse Than It Was in the 1940s'

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Wild article. We once knew how to do trains, so why can’t we figure it out better now? link to ‘America Aspires to One Day in the Far Future Build Rail Service Worse Than It Was in the 1940s’

découverte de deux chaînes YouTube

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Ça fait quelques années que mon frère regarde la chaîne YouTube Not Just Bikes, qui parle des vélos, des transports publics, et de l’infrastructure qui les soutient (où pas). Il m’en parle assez souvent, mais ce n’est que récemment que j’ai enfin décidé de regarder quelques vidéos. Vu mon amour pour les sujets abordés dans les vidéos (les vélos, les transports publics, l’Europe), ça m’étonne que je n’ai pas découvert cette chaîne avant.

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I will only accept complaints about gas prices from people who also bemoan our failure to invest in public and alternative transportation.

🔗 linkblog: just finished 'What does it cost Lexington KY drivers to wait in traffic? | Lexington Herald Leader'

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Yes for more transportation funding, but not if it’s all going to cars. link to ‘What does it cost Lexington KY drivers to wait in traffic? | Lexington Herald Leader’

🔗 linkblog: just finished 'Fayette schools considers spending $440,00 for outside drivers | Lexington Herald Leader'

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School buses are the most common form of public transit around here, and we still can’t do that right. link to ‘Fayette schools considers spending $440,00 for outside drivers | Lexington Herald Leader’

🔗 linkblog: just read 'Public transportation can save the world — if we let it'

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Public transit forever. Lexington is considering BRT, and I’m really hoping it comes through. Would give me some more commuting options. link to ‘Public transportation can save the world — if we let it’

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Five flats between two bikes in six weeks (four in the last two) can’t be a world record, but it’s a personal best that I’m not interested in beating anytime soon. Wishing the bus came closer to my house, even though that commute is even longer.

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There’s something about stepping onto a new bus that makes me feel like I’ve stepped into the future. I don’t need jetpacks, just clean seats and an electric motor.