🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Republicans Have Realized That Forcing People to Give Birth Is Wildly Unpopular'

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This is very interesting—it gives me some hope that I haven’t had over the past couple of months. link to ‘Republicans Have Realized That Forcing People to Give Birth Is Wildly Unpopular’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Google Maps Is Misleading Users Searching For Abortion Clinics… And The GOP Is Threatening The Company If It Fixes That | Techdirt'

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Masnick makes two good points here: The GOP seems to only care about content moderation in self-serving ways, but also we should be wary of political mandates for content moderation. link to ‘Google Maps Is Misleading Users Searching For Abortion Clinics… And The GOP Is Threatening The Company If It Fixes That | Techdirt’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Voters in Kansas decide to keep abortion legal in the state, rejecting an amendment – 89.3 WFPL News Louisville'

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There’s a similar amendment on the ballot in Kentucky in November; here’s hoping for similar results. link to ‘Voters in Kansas decide to keep abortion legal in the state, rejecting an amendment – 89.3 WFPL News Louisville’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Indiana doctor says she has been harassed since providing 10-year-old's abortion : NPR'

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This case seems so clear cut to me, and the American right’s willingness to harass this doctor suggests that things are going very wrong. link to ‘Indiana doctor says she has been harassed since providing 10-year-old’s abortion : NPR’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Oklahoma Threatens Librarians: ‘Don’t Use the Word Abortion’'

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Libraries are a key part of a democratic society, and this is a very worrying development. link to ‘Oklahoma Threatens Librarians: ‘Don’t Use the Word Abortion’’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Anti-Abortion Leader Tells Congress a 10-Year-Old’s Abortion Wouldn’t Count'

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This strikes me as weaselly logic. It absolutely is an abortion, and it’s absolutely why it’s shamefully ridiculous to make simplistic claims about abortion as murder or to set up “zero abortions” as an ideal to be attained through legislation and jurisprudence. link to ‘Anti-Abortion Leader Tells Congress a 10-Year-Old’s Abortion Wouldn’t Count’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Man Arrested for Rape of 10-Year-Old Abortion Patient the Right Said Was Fake'

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I didn’t realize there’d been so much right-wing pushback against this awful, awful story. There’s always room for good faith critical appraisals of the news, but what critics seem to me to miss here is that even if it weren’t true, the mere hypothetical possibility of something like this happening is shameful. That said, the emergence of more evidence supporting the claims is not a great look for those who called it into question.

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'After Dobbs, Advocates Fear School Surveillance Tools Could Put Teens at Risk – The Markup'

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I’ve seen a number of headlines about how a post-Dobbs world changes the game for online privacy, but this is the first one that I sat down to read. School surveillance software is scary enough without this possibility, so let’s not make it worse. I can’t believe that this software gives schools any benefits that outweigh the heavy cost to students’ privacy. link to ‘After Dobbs, Advocates Fear School Surveillance Tools Could Put Teens at Risk – The Markup’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Facebook Bans People For Simply Saying Abortion Pills Exist | Techdirt'

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A terrifying teminder that content moderation can easily overreach. link to ‘Facebook Bans People For Simply Saying Abortion Pills Exist | Techdirt’

anxiety, privilege, and trying to make a difference

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A couple of weekends ago, I had my first experience with a Community of Christ Reunion camp. Kiddo and I only stayed for a long weekend rather than the whole week, but it was still a great experience. By far the best experience I had at Reunion was a Monday morning class for young adults and “90s kids” (which is not a label I’ve ever actively applied to myself, but it fit just fine.