Verdict on new lobster claw bike gloves: Much better than my older winter gloves (I don’t have to warm my hands under water after getting to office), but the tips of my fingers still feel the cold. I must just have really bad circulation.

can one forgive reality for its inherent brokenness?

If life were fair, I’d be out on a morning run right now, but life isn’t, so I’m not. The immediate unfairness getting in my way is a flaring up of my retrolisthesis; in short, there’s a vertebra in my lower back that isn’t inclined to stay in place, and my core muscles aren’t always successful in convincing it to. Things aren’t as bad today as they were a week ago, when my lower back was experiencing so much stiffness (and, to a lesser extent, pain) that I couldn’t even bend at the waist, but despite my improvement over the past seven days, I woke up stiff enough this morning that I knew going for a run would probably make things worse.