🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Bayraktar TB2 Drone Sales from Turkey Growing Despite Western Laws — ProPublica'

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A deep dive on a worrying military technology. The U.S. has already done a lot of damage with drones, and as more countries start to use them, more damage is going to be done. [link to ‘Bayraktar TB2 Drone Sales from Turkey Growing Despite Western Laws — ProPublica’](https://www.propublica.org/article/bayraktar-tb2-drone-turkey-exports

🔗 linkblog: just read 'IRS Reports Your Taxes Specifically Were Spent To Drone-Strike Kids'

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I get that this is The Onion and that this isn’t how taxes work, but this article still fees like a gut punch. link to ‘IRS Reports Your Taxes Specifically Were Spent To Drone-Strike Kids’

🔗 linkblog: just read 'Pentagon Acknowledges Aug. 29 Drone Strike in Afghanistan Was Tragic Mistake - The New York Times'

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What a heartbreaking story. We need to rethink our relationship with drones—and war. link to ‘Pentagon Acknowledges Aug. 29 Drone Strike in Afghanistan Was Tragic Mistake - The New York Times’

🔗 linkblog: just read 'New Chapter of Afghanistan War: U.S. Drone Strike Kills Family'

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What a gut-wrenching story. Drone strikes are bad news. link to ‘New Chapter of Afghanistan War: U.S. Drone Strike Kills Family’