Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Elsevier”
🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Evolution journal editors resign en masse'
- kudos:More suckiness in the world of academic publishing. link to “Evolution journal editors resign en masse”
🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'How MIT copes without Elsevier'
- kudos:Interesting—and hopeful—read. link to “How MIT copes without Elsevier”
frustration with institutional research analytics
- kudos:Over the summer, I blogged about some concern that I had about a new research portal that my employer had just rolled out. Based on the gentle nudges to update our profiles we’ve been receiving since the platform’s launch, I’m guessing that faculty have not been as keen on the platform as the university is. One of those nudges came this week, and in the spirit of good faith cooperation, I spent some time going through the platform and updating my profile.
research analytics for... industry collaboration?
- kudos:Over the past several months, the University of Kentucky has been pushing us to set up profiles on a new research analytics platform. The platform looks… fine, but I’ve been irritated with some of how the platform works and curious why UK is so keen on having us fill out our profiles. It’s felt from the beginning like this is something more for UK’s benefit than for our individual benefits as faculty.