🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'AI Checkers Forcing Kids To Write Like A Robot To Avoid Being Called A Robot'

I am way more pessimistic about AI than Masnick is, but we agree on this sort of thing. Algorithmic surveillance is no more appropriate in response to AI concerns than it is to cheating concerns. link to “AI Checkers Forcing Kids To Write Like A Robot To Avoid Being Called A Robot”

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'The Advanced Spellchecker in Chrome and Edge Saves Everything You Type—Even Passwords'

I knew my distrust of spellcheck would be validated one day! Seriously, though, this is bad news. link to ‘The Advanced Spellchecker in Chrome and Edge Saves Everything You Type—Even Passwords’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Google Docs will start nudging some users to write less dumbly - The Verge'

Nooooo thank you. Don’t like this about Grammarly, don’t like this about Word, won’t like this about Google Docs. I am very skeptical of giving algorithms authority over style. link to ‘Google Docs will start nudging some users to write less dumbly - The Verge’

🔗 linkblog: just finished 'Why Grammarly’s suggestions around writing about slavery miss the mark.'

I am just now learning about this and am glad for the article, but I’m not sure it hits all the deeper issues here. link to ‘Why Grammarly’s suggestions around writing about slavery miss the mark.’

The more Grammarly ads I see, the more my skepticism of them grows.

Yet another Grammarly ad has me thinking… I think my skepticism about AI is not so much the mistakes it makes so much as it is the assumption that human experiences are so well-structured that they can be reduced to an algorithm.