🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Top French Court Upholds Abaya Ban in Schools - The New York Times'

A secular state is good, but French laïcité consistently goes too far. link to ‘Top French Court Upholds Abaya Ban in Schools - The New York Times’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'We're Suing Kentucky Prisons for Violating the First Amendment | ACLU of Kentucky'

Religious freedom isn’t worth anything if it’s only a shield for conservative Christianity. link to ‘We’re Suing Kentucky Prisons for Violating the First Amendment | ACLU of Kentucky’

🔗 linkblog: my thoughts on 'Houston area student wins $90,000 settlement after being bullied by teacher for not standing for Pledge of Allegiance'

Indefensible for a student to be treated this way. The settlement is good news, but I still worry about the larger issue. Thinking about how to teach my kid about the Pledge and the right not to participate. link to ‘Houston area student wins $90,000 settlement after being bullied by teacher for not standing for Pledge of Allegiance’

🔗 linkblog: just read 'Supreme Court conservatives are skeptical on spiritual advisers in death chamber : NPR'

Religious freedom only counts as such when it’s applied across the board and not just for conservative talking points. link to ‘Supreme Court conservatives are skeptical on spiritual advisers in death chamber : NPR’