Jacques Ellul's technique and generative AI

Throughout my career, I’ve been a data-first researcher, and theory has always been one of my weak areas. This is not to say that I dismiss the importance of theory: I appreciate danah boyd and Kate Crawford’s critique of Chris Anderson’s “the numbers speak for themselves” in their 2012 paper Critical Questions for Big Data as much as I appreciate Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein’s similar critique in their book Data Feminism.

πŸ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'Six hours under martial law in Seoul'

I’ll admit that I haven’t read much on all of this, but I can’t imagine any coverage better than this article. link to “Six hours under martial law in Seoul”

πŸ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for school shootings and measles'

Some powerful stuff in here. link to “A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for school shootings and measles”

Just had a student explain that such-and-such a file wasn’t in a specific folder, it was just on their computer, in case anyone was wondering how digital native rhetoric is holding up. Need to bookmark that 2021 article from The Verge.

πŸ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'Reddit pressures mods to end the blackout as they find new ways to protest - The Verge'

Perhaps most interesting thing here is official comment from Reddit. It’s not quite “auto-reply with a poop emoji territory,” but it might actually be worse? link to ‘Reddit pressures mods to end the blackout as they find new ways to protest - The Verge’

πŸ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'Elon Musk proposes letting nearly everyone Twitter banned back on the site - The Verge'

Is he serious? Does he really think this is a good idea? Also, I love the increasing sass that The Verge and other outlets are putting into their comments about Twitter no longer having a communications team to respond to requests for comment. link to ‘Elon Musk proposes letting nearly everyone Twitter banned back on the site - The Verge’