๐Ÿ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'Researcher Turns Insecure License Plate Cameras Into Open Source Surveillance Tool'

Uggggggh, ALPRs suck. link to “Researcher Turns Insecure License Plate Cameras Into Open Source Surveillance Tool”

๐Ÿ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'Cops Released a Carโ€™s Travel History to a Total Stranger'

ALPRs suck. link to “Cops Released a Carโ€™s Travel History to a Total Stranger”

๐Ÿ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'ALPR Maker Flock Broke Laws Repeatedly While Installing Cameras, Courting Cop Shops'

Flock provides the ALPRs here in Lexington, which makes this especially frustrating. link to “ALPR Maker Flock Broke Laws Repeatedly While Installing Cameras, Courting Cop Shops”

๐Ÿ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'Lexington, Ky Mayor wants to expand license plate cameras | Lexington Herald Leader'

I have written council representatives about this more than anything else, and yet I suspect that it will go through again without a fuss. This isn’t the worst form of surveillance, but it is still surveillance, pure and simple. link to ‘Lexington, Ky Mayor wants to expand license plate cameras | Lexington Herald Leader’

๐Ÿ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'Police Are Still Abusing Investigative Exemptions to Shield Surveillance Tech, While Others Move Towards Transparency | Electronic Frontier Foundation'

Who is allowed to watch the watchmen? This is why I’m grumpy about Lexington being hush hush about its new automated license plate readersโ€”it sets a precedent for secretive use of even more invasive surveillance. link to ‘Police Are Still Abusing Investigative Exemptions to Shield Surveillance Tech, While Others Move Towards Transparency | Electronic Frontier Foundation’

๐Ÿ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'Gorton unveils $460 million Lexington budget | Lexington Herald Leader'

Most of this budget sounds great, but why are we budgeting for 75 more ALPRs when we haven’t even finished the trial of the current ones yet? Not to mention that the trial is unlikely to evaluate ethics, only “effectiveness.” link to ‘Gorton unveils $460 million Lexington budget | Lexington Herald Leader’

๐Ÿ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'New Flock security cameras being installed in Lexington by end of May | Lexington Herald Leader'

There are a few yellow flags in this article for me. Quick and efficient sounds good, but are those the most important values in policing? What values do they stand in tension with? It’s great that there are policies against using a ALPR database for personal reasons, but these policies regularly get violated. No, these aren’t videosurveillance cameras, but that doesn’t make them harmless. link to ‘New Flock security cameras being installed in Lexington by end of May | Lexington Herald Leader’

City council member responded to my concerned email by basically telling me I should have spoken up before the vote happened. Feels harsh but fairโ€”want to do better about showing up and speaking up.

๐Ÿ”— linkblog: my thoughts on 'Please Delete Your Recordings: Inside a Police Conference'

Lexington just installed plate readers on a trial basis, so this hits particularly hard right now. It’s scary and it needs to stop. link to ‘Please Delete Your Recordings: Inside a Police Conference’

๐Ÿ”— linkblog: just finished 'Lexington KY police test license plate cameras to solve crime | Lexington Herald Leader'

We should all be concerned about this. Describing this as “high tech” in the first line of the story fetishizes surveillance. It’s gross. link to ‘Lexington KY police test license plate cameras to solve crime | Lexington Herald Leader’

๐Ÿ”— linkblog: just read 'Surveillance Startup Brings Police Tech to Neighborhoods - Bloomberg'

Nope nope nope nope. If plate readers are going to become more common, Iโ€™ve got to start biking more places. Not that that will protect against Ring. ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ link to ‘Surveillance Startup Brings Police Tech to Neighborhoods - Bloomberg’