BA in French Teaching; PhD in Educational Technology; Associate Professor of ICT at University of Kentucky School of Information Science

I am an transdisciplinary digital methods researcher studying meaning-making practices on online platforms.

My CV is available here.

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I (an educational technology researcher) have just declined the opportunity to review for the journal “Cell Proliferation.” The weird thing is that it didn’t seem like the spammy requests from journals I sometimes get. Mistaken identity, maybe?

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On Monday mornings, I like to give myself a couple of hours to both plan the week and take care of a stack of odd jobs. It lets me ease myself back into work and frees up time to focus on more important things later in the week.

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Currently planning travel to an academic conference in France. Rule of thumb when flying to Paris is always to worry about consequences of disgruntled employees, but this time it’s the American ones I’m worried about.

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Reviewer 3 doesn’t understand why my study is important. I’m trying to find ways to articulate that better, but all I really want to do is JUST BOLD EVERYTHING I’VE ALREADY WRITTEN TO THAT EFFECT.

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I never know whether to be happy or frustrated when I’m able to respond to a reviewer’s objection by resurrecting a paragraph from the manuscript that I’d previously cut to slim things down.

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Oh look, it’s my favorite day of the week: “Welp-those-manuscript-revisions-are-due-today Wednesday”

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It’s only taken me five months, but I’ve finally updated my Alfred “search the library for such-and-such an article” shortcut to point to my current institution’s library.

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If anything helps you appreciate Vygotsky (and sociocultural theories of learning in general) more than being the parent of a young kid, I have yet to experience it.

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Tfw a seemingly small suggestion from a reviewer actually opens up new insights that you wouldn’t have otherwise noticed. Thanks Reviewer #1!

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Today’s manuscript revision fun is detangling the results of a coding error that left out 3 hours and 56 minutes worth of tweets from my analysis. Just enough to make some very small differences in reported results.

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Currently responding to reviewers of a journal article based on my dissertation. Feels especially difficult to make changes to a manuscript I’ve already had reviewed so many times.

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Today, I used the dumb “define a sandwich” meme as a pedagogical activity, so I’m feeling pretty good about my semester so far.

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ICT 202 11.1 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 12: Windows Under the Hood

20 Mar 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- class: center, middle --- # this week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 12: Windows Under the Hood (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 13: Users, Groups, and Permissions (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on the importance of authentication and authorization (by Thursday) * manage user accounts, groups, and permission in Debian (by Sunday) --- class: center, middle # if you want to make up assignments, please ask --- background-color: gray class: center, middle # operating systems --- class: center, middle # "

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ICT 202 11.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 13: Users, Groups, and Permissions

22 Mar 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

- kudos:

ICT 202 11.3 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

Week 11 Reflection and Application

24 Mar 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- # next week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 14: Maintaining and Optimizing Operating Systems (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 16: Troubleshooting Operating Systems (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on operating systems and control (by Thursday) * update Debian on your virtual machine (by Sunday) --- background-color: gray class: center, middle # application activity --- class: center, middle # "

- kudos:

ICT 202 12.1 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 14: Maintaining and Optimizing Operating Systems

27 Mar 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- class: center, middle --- class: center, middle # [Team Alpha internship]( with Awesome, Inc ## Events & Marketing ## Graphic Design ## Videography ## Web Development --- # this week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 14: Maintaining and Optimizing Operating Systems (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 16: Troubleshooting Operating Systems (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on operating systems and control (by Thursday) * update Debian on your virtual machine (by Sunday) --- background-color: gray class: center, middle # A+, Chapter 14: Maintaining and Optimizing Operating Systems --- class: center, middle # what is the difference between "

- kudos:

ICT 202 12.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 16: Troubleshooting Operating Systems

29 Mar 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- class: center, middle # [Team Alpha internship]( with Awesome, Inc ## Events & Marketing ## Graphic Design ## Videography ## Web Development --- # this week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 14: Maintaining and Optimizing Operating Systems (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 16: Troubleshooting Operating Systems (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on operating systems and control (by Thursday) * update Debian on your virtual machine (by Sunday) --- background-color: gray class: center, middle # A+, Chapter 16: Troubleshooting Operating Systems --- class: center, middle # differences between operating systems --- class: center, middle # Windows: *heterogeneous ecosystem* --- class: center, middle # macOS: (more) *homogeneous ecosystem* --- class: center, middle # Linux production machines: *simpler ecosystem* --- class: center, middle # Linux "

- kudos:

ICT 202 11.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

Week 11 Reflection and Application

25 Mar 2022

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- # next week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 15: Working with the Command-Line Interface (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 17: Display Technologies (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on command line interfaces in fiction (by Thursday) * complete the "

- kudos:

ICT 202 13.1 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 15: Working with the Command-Line Interface

3 Apr 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- class: center, middle --- # next week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 15: Working with the Command-Line Interface (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 17: Display Technologies (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on command line interfaces in fiction (by Thursday) * complete the "

- kudos:

ICT 202 13.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 17: Display Technologies

5 Apr 2022

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- # this week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 15: Working with the Command-Line Interface (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 17: Display Technologies (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on command line interfaces in fiction (by Thursday) * complete the "

- kudos:

ICT 202 13.3 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

Week 13 Reflection and Application

7 Apr 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- # next week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 18: Essentials of Networking (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 19: Local Area Networking (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on benefits and downsides of networks (by Thursday) * access the command line of your virtual machine over a network (by Sunday) --- background-color: gray class: center, middle # application activity --- class: center, middle # `sudo apt install wget` --- class: center, middle # open up [this link](https://projects.

- kudos:

ICT 202 14.1 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 18: Essentials of Networking

10 Apr 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- class: center, middle --- # this week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 18: Essentials of Networking (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 19: Local Area Networking (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on benefits and downsides of networks (by Thursday) * access the command line of your virtual machine over a network (by Sunday) --- background-color: gray class: center, middle # A+, Chapter 18: Essentials of Networking --- class: center, middle # "

- kudos:

ICT 202 13.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 19: Local Area Networking

12 Apr 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- # this week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 18: Essentials of Networking (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 19: Local Area Networking (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on benefits and downsides of networks (by Thursday) * access the command line of your virtual machine over a network (by Sunday) --- class: center, middle # check your grades!

- kudos:

ICT 202 14.3 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

Week 14 Reflection and Application

14 Apr 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- # next week (Week 15) ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 20: Wireless Networking (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 21: The Internet (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: no class * reflect on the social importance of internet access (by Thursday) * create and host a web page on your virtual machine (by Sunday) --- # the following week (Week 16) ## Monday: no class * read A+, Chapter 27: Securing Computers (on own) * read A+, Chapter 28: Operational Procedures (on own) ## Wednesday: last day of class!

- kudos:

ICT 202 15.1 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 20: Wireless Networking

17 Apr 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- class: center, middle --- # this week (Week 15) ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 20: Wireless Networking (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 21: The Internet (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: no class * reflect on the social importance of internet access (by Thursday) * create and host a web page on your virtual machine (by Sunday) --- # next week (Week 16) ## Monday: no class * read A+, Chapter 27: Securing Computers (on own) * read A+, Chapter 28: Operational Procedures (on own) ## Wednesday: last day of class!

- kudos:

ICT 202 15.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 21: The Internet

19 Apr 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- class: center, middle # paired ICT classes for next Fall: # ICT 315 (Human Relations in IT) # ICT 302 (Content Management Systems) --- class: center, middle

- kudos:

ICT 202 14.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

Week 14 reflection and application

15 Apr 2022

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

- kudos:

ICT 202 14.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapters 27 and 28

18 Apr 2022

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- class: center, middle --- # this week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 27: Securing Computers (before Monday lecture) * read A+, Chapter 28: Operational Procedures (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: no class!

- kudos:

ICT 202 16.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapters 27 and 28

26 Apr 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- class: center, middle --- class: center, middle # LexTalk — Tech # May 18th, The Cornerstone # --- class: center, middle # 5 Across Entrepreneur Pitch Competition # Awesome, Inc.

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ICT 202 1.1 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services


9 Jan 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

- kudos:

ICT 202 1.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+ Chapter 1: Safety and Professionalism

11 Jan 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- # this week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read syllabus (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read syllabus (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on your goals for the class and introduce yourself!

- kudos:

ICT 202 1.3 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

Module 1 Reflection and Application

13 Jan 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- # next week ## Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (no class) * [Lexington Celebration]( ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 22: Virtualization (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on the social power of cloud computing companies (by Thursday) * set up a virtual machine for ICT 202 (by Sunday) --- class: center, middle # be careful when skipping assignments!

- kudos:

ICT 202 2.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 22: Virtualization

18 January 2023

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- # this week ## Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (no class) * [Lexington Celebration]( ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 22: Virtualization (before Wednesday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on the social power of cloud computing companies (by Thursday) * set up a virtual machine for ICT 202 (by Sunday) --- class: center, middle # late policy reminder!

- kudos:

ICT 202 2.3 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 22: Virtualization

20 January 2022

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- # next week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 2: The Visible Computer (before Monday lecture) ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 26: Printers and Multifunction Devices (before Monday lecture) * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on the history of computers (by Thursday) * describe Debian (by Sunday) --- background-color: gray class: center, middle # application activity --- background-color: gray class: center, middle # reflection activity --- class: center, middle # this is complex # this is controversial --- class: center, middle # "

- kudos:

ICT 202 2.1 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 2: The Visible Computer / A+, Chapter 26: Printers and Multifunction Devices

23 Jan 2022

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- class: center, middle # if you had trouble with the Module 1 application activity, let's meet to work it out --- # this week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 2: The Visible Computer ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 26: Printers and Multifunction Devices * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on history of computers (by Thursday) * describe Raspberry Pi OS (by Sunday) --- class: center, middle # modified office hours on Tuesday: 10:30am to 11:30am --- class: center, middle

- kudos:

ICT 202 2.2 class: center, middle background-color: black

ICT 202: Technologies for Information Services

A+, Chapter 2: The Visible Computer / A+, Chapter 26: Printers and Multifunction Devices

25 Jan 2022

Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

--- background-color: gray class: center, middle # updates and looking ahead --- class: center, middle # if you had trouble with the Module 1 application activity, let's meet to work it out --- # this week ## Monday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 2: The Visible Computer ## Wednesday: readings and lecture * read A+, Chapter 26: Printers and Multifunction Devices * take quiz (by Wednesday) ## Friday: reflection and application * reflect on history of computers (by Thursday) * describe Raspberry Pi OS (by Sunday) --- class: center, middle
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