quoted again about Gas app in EducationWeek
- One minute read - 140 words - kudos:This week, Discord announced that it has acquired the Gas social media app popular among secondary students. Presumably in response, Alyson Klein ran an explainer today at EducationWeek on the subject of the app. In doing this, she re-ran a quote that I provided to her for a December article that she also wrote:
“It feels a little exploitative to me,” said Spencer Greenhalgh, an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky’s school of information sciences. “They know teenagers are insecure and they want to know what their friends think about them.”
I stand by the quote, and as I wrote yesterday in a linkpost, the fact that a company like Discord would snatch up the app only makes me momre worried about the business model—whether it stays the same or whether it changes to be made even more profitable.
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