1812 Overture (1)

2020 election (25)

2021 Kentucky tornadoes (8)

2022 Eastern Kentucky floods (1)

2022 election (8)

2022 Kentucky floods (1)

2023 Israel-Gaza war (1)

2023 Israel-Hamas war (6)

2023 Kentucky elections (5)

2023 World Conference (8)

2024 elections (13)

2024 Israel-Lebanon war (1)

2FA (1)

4chan (4)

A Christmas Carol (1)

A City on Mars (2)

A Gentleman in Moscow (1)

A History of the Bible (2)

A Legacy of Spies (1)

A New Christianity for a New World (2)

A Short Stay in Hell (3)

A Study in Emerald (1)

A Way of Life (2)

a-ha (1)

Aardman (1)

Aardman Animation (1)

Aaron Swartz (1)

abaya (2)

ABBA (2)

Abinadi (1)

Abish (1)

Abraham (8)

abundance (1)

abuse (6)

academia (23)

academic freedom (2)

academic labor (1)

academic offenses (1)

academic publishing (3)

academic reinvention (1)

academic spam (1)

accents (2)

accessibility (1)

Accidental Saints (2)

account verification (1)

Acela (2)

ACLU (2)

ActivityPub (2)

actual play (6)

Ada Limón (1)

Adam Miller (1)

ADL (1)

Advent (13)

Adventure (1)

Adventuregame Comics (3)

advergames (1)

advertising (15)

AECT (5)

AECT 2023 (2)

affinity space (2)

affirming church (6)

affordances and constraints (1)

Afghanistan (1)

Afrofantasy (1)

Afrofuturism (1)

After the Downfall (1)

afterlife (2)

Agatha All Along (1)

agency (1)

Ahsoka (1)

AI (45)

AI detection (2)

AI ethics (1)

AI training (1)

AI-generated art (1)

Air Canada (1)

airport security (1)

Akilah Hughes (1)

Alan Moore (2)

Alan Moore and David Lloyd (1)

Alan Tyree (1)

Alasdair Rutherford (1)

Albert Camus (2)

alcohol (1)

Alec Guinness (1)

Alex Jones (3)

Alex Ross (4)

Alexander Freed (1)

Alexei Navalny (1)

Alfred (4)

algorithmic bias (1)

Alice Marwick (1)

alienation of ownership (3)

Alliance Française (1)

Alma (2)

ALPRs (10)

alternate history (3)

alternate reality game (1)

alternative social media (1)

alternative textbooks (7)

Aman Yadav (1)

Amazi-Girl is Always Prepared for Anything (1)

Amazon (43)

Amazon Prime (2)

American Born Chinese (1)

American exceptionalism (1)

American Indians (1)

American Prometheus (1)

American Zion (1)

Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (3)

Amtrak (7)

Amy Chapman (10)

Amy-Jill Levine (3)

analog (1)

analog vs. digital (3)

analytics (4)

anarchism (12)

Anatoliy Gruzd (1)

Andor (2)

Andrew Bolton (2)

Andrew Bolton and Casey Paul Griffiths (1)

Andrew Tate (1)

Andrew Teal (1)

Andrew Torba (8)

Android (1)

Andy Beshear (8)

Anglocentism (1)

Anil Dash (1)

Animal Man (3)

Animorphs (3)

Anna Merlan (1)

Annalee Newitz (1)

Annotated Book of Mormon (1)

annotation (1)

anti-Catholicism (1)

anti-Semitism (8)

antitrust (2)

Antony Johnston (1)

anxiety (17)

Apache (1)

API (9)

APIs (1)

APLRs (1)

apologetics (2)

apostasy (1)

Apostle of the Poor (2)

App Store (1)

app stores (5)

Apple (26)

Apple Music (2)

Apple TV+ (4)

Apple Watch (6)

AR-15 (1)

Arabic (1)

Archie (1)

Archie 1941 (1)

argument (2)

Arizona (2)

Armand Mauss (1)

armed drones (1)

art (2)

Art Smith (1)

Artemis (1)

artificial inteligencr (1)

artificial intelligence (15)

assessment (15)

Astérix (2)

Astro City (8)

asynchronous courses (1)

asynchronous teaching (1)

AT&T (3)

atheism (1)

Attack Surface (3)

Au service de la France (1)

Audible (3)

audio (2)

audiobook (4)

audiobooks (19)

Audrey Watters (4)

Austen Allred (1)

authenticity (1)

authoritarianism (1)

authority (2)

autism (1)

Autobiography of Elder Charles Derry (2)

autocorrect (5)

autoethnography (2)

automated content moderation (1)

automation (10)

Automattic (2)

Aux sources de l'amitié de Dieu (1)

awe (1)

AWS (2)

Axion (1)

Axis and Allies (7)

Axon (1)

Babe (1)

Babel (2)

Babylonian exile (2)

babysitting (1)

baklava (1)

Barbara Jones Brown (1)

Barbie (1)

Barry Wellman (2)

Bart Ehrman (1)

Basecamp (1)

based (1)

Basel (1)


basketball (1)

Batman (6)

Batman: The Animated Series (1)

Battlestar Galactica (4)

BBC (5)

BBC Radio (4)

BBC Radio 4 (8)

Bble (1)

BD (24)

beatitudes (1)

Bechdel test (4)

Beeper (2)

behaviorism (1)

Bellingcat (3)

Belonging (1)

Ben Burtt (1)

Ben Shapiro (1)

Ben Williamson (1)

Benedict Cumberbatch (1)

Benjamin E. Park (2)

Benoît Peeters (1)

Beowulf (1)

Bethlehem (2)

Beyond Resistance (1)

Beyond the Walls (9)

Beyond the Walls Choir (2)

bias (2)

Bible (6)

Biblical criticism (1)

Biblical literalism (3)

big data (1)

Big Pharma (1)

Big Tech (3)

Bigflo et Oli (2)

bike (1)

bike commute (4)

bike commuting (24)

bike infrastructure (3)

bikes (46)

biking (1)

Bill Ackman (3)

Bill Bailey (1)

Bill Cosby (1)

Bill Willingham (4)

billionnaires (1)

binary (3)

Binding of Isaac (7)

Bing (1)

biodiversity (1)

Black Friday (4)

Black Mirror (1)

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (1)

Black Robe Regiment (1)

blackface (1)

Blacksad (2)

Blackwater (1)

Blair Hodges (2)

blockchain (1)

Bloggernacle (4)

blogging (9)

blogs (1)

Blood and Glitter (1)

BloomTech (1)

Blue Origin (1)

Bluesky (4)

BMW (2)

board games (11)

Boing Boing (1)

Bonheur d'occasion (1)

book (211)

book fairs (1)

Book of Abraham (1)

Book of Daniel (1)

Book of Mormon (32)

Book of Mormon Girl (2)

Book of Moses (1)

bookdown (2)

books (4)

Bookshops & Bonedust (1)

Boone County High School (2)

Borgen (2)

Born Both (1)

bots (1)

boundary maintenance (1)

Bowen McCurdy (1)

Boy Scouts (1)

Boy Scouts of America (1)

Boys Weekend (1)

braces (1)

Brad Wilcox (1)

Braiding Sweetgrass (4)

breakfast (1)

Breakfast at Tiffany's (1)

Brennan Lee Mulligan (3)

Brennan Lee Mulligan and Molly Ostertag (2)

Brent Anderson (4)

Brewster Kahle (1)

Brexit (1)

Brian Augustyn (1)

Brian Augustyn and Mark Waid (1)

Brian K. Vaughan (12)

Brian K. Vaughn and Tony Harris (1)

Brian Michael Bendis (24)

Brian Michael Bendis and David Lafuente (2)

Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley (18)

Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen (3)

Brian Michael Davis (1)

bricolage (1)

Brief Theological Introductions (series) (2)

Brigham Young (5)

Brigham Young University (1)

British Israelism (1)

Brittany Long Olsen (3)

broadband (1)

broadband monopoly (1)

broadband providers (1)

brokenness (1)

Bruce McConkie (1)

Brussels (1)

Buc-ee's (1)

Buffalo shooting (4)

Bulgaria (1)

Bundys (1)

Burger King (2)

burkini (1)

burnout (3)

bus (1)

bus rapid transit (1)

buses (4)

business model (1)

But Where Is the Lamb? (2)

Buttondown (1)

By Common Consent (4)

ByCommonConsent (1)

BYU (35)

BYU-Idaho (1)

cab ride (1)

Cabin Pressure (8)

caffeine (1)

Call for the Dead (1)

cameo (1)

Campaign (2)

camping (2)

Camvas (1)

Canada (2)

Canadian French (1)

canon (1)

Canvas (10)

Capitol riot (22)



captions (1)

Car Talk (1)

carbon monoxide detectors (1)

card games (2)

Cards Against Humanity (1)

Carol Lynn Pearson (2)

Carrefour (1)

cars (3)

Cary Elwes (1)

Casablanca (1)

Casey Newton (5)

Casey Paul Griffiths (1)

Cat and Girl (1)

Catan (2)

Catch-22 (1)

Catel & Bocquet (1)

Catharyn Shelton (2)

Catherine D'Ignazio (3)

Catholicism (1)

causal relationships (2)

CBD (2)

censorship (5)

Center for Action and Contemplation (1)

centrism (1)

CFF (3)

Chadwick Boseman (1)

chai (2)

Chambésy (1)

Champs-Élysées (1)

change (1)

Chantal Montellier (1)

Character Limit (3)

Charles Booker (2)

Charles Derry (2)

Charles Dickens (1)

Charles Harrell (5)

Charles III (1)

Charles Neff (4)

Charlie Hebdo (1)

chatbot (1)

chatbots (1)

ChatGPT (24)

cheating (2)

cheese (3)

Chelsea Manning (1)

CHF (1)

child abuse (5)

child care (1)

children of God (1)

children's media (1)

children's ministry (1)

China (1)

Chip Zdarsky (3)

Chokepoint Capitalism (3)

chores (2)

Christian anarchism (5)

Christian anti-Semitism (1)

Christian calendar (1)

Christian nationalism (12)

Christian supremacy (1)

Christianity (11)

Christmas (24)

Christmas music (1)

Christology (3)

Christophe Willem (1)

Christopher Columbus (1)

Christopher Eccleston (1)

Christopher Nolan (2)

Chrome (2)

Chromebooks (4)

Chroniques de Jérusalem (5)

Chroniques de Jeunesse (3)

church (1)

Church Educational System (3)

church history (1)

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (21)

Cincinnati (5)

citizenship (1)

city church (2)

Civics of Tech (1)

civil liberties (1)

civil rights movement (1)

civil war rhetoric (1)

civilian deaths (1)

Civilizations (1)

CLAC (2)

Clarence and Ginni Thomas (2)

Clark Gilbert (1)

ClassDojo (20)

Claudia Gray (1)

Claudine Gay (1)

Claudine Gray (1)

Clay Higgins (1)

claymation (1)

Clearview (6)

Clearview AI (1)

climate (1)

climate catastrophe (3)

climate change (9)

climate crisis (4)

climate emergency (1)

cloud storage (2)

CNET (1)

Code.org (1)

coding (8)

coding bootcamps (1)

coffee (3)

Cold War (1)

college (1)

Collège de France (4)

Colmar (2)

Columbia disaster (1)

comic cons (1)

comic strips (2)

comics (115)

commercialism (3)

common consent (1)

Common Core (1)

Communities (1121)

community (1)

community college (1)

Community Notes (1)

Community of Christ (77)

Community of Christ history (1)

Community of Christ Seminary (4)

Community of Christ Sings (2)

community of practice (1)

community vs. space (1)

complicity (1)

comprehensive exams (1)

computational analysis (1)

computational methods (1)

computational text analysis (1)

computational thinking (2)

computer science (5)

computer science education (8)

computers (1)

Conet Project (1)

conference travel (1)

conferences (14)

congestion (1)

Congress (1)

connected car (2)

conscience (1)

consent (1)

conspiracy theory (1)

consumerism (2)

contemplation (1)

content (1)

content aggregation (2)

content farming (3)

Content ID (1)

content knowledge (1)

content management (6)

content management systems (2)

content moderation (92)

content ownership (1)

context collapse (3)

continuity nod (1)

Conversions (1)

copyright (25)

copyright filters (1)

corporate donations (1)

corporatization (1)

corpus linguistics (1)

Cory Doctorow (78)

Cory Doctorow and Jen Wang (1)

Côte d'Ivoire (1)

counseling (2)

country music (1)

course prep (2)

Covenant Eyes (1)

COVID-19 (48)

COVID-19 pandemic (1)

Cowboy (1)

Coyote & Crow (1)

CPAC (1)

cPanel (1)

Craig Harline (2)

Creation (1)

Creative Commons (4)

crêpes (1)

crime (1)

critical race theory (2)

CRM (1)

crossover (1)

crowdsourcing (1)

Cryptonomicon (1)

CS education (1)

CSAM (2)

CSS (1)

Cthulhu (1)

culture (1)

culture wars (3)

curriculum standards (1)

Curveball (1)

customer service (3)

cyberbullying (1)

cybercrime (1)

cybersecurity (5)

cynicism (1)

Cynthia Nnagboro (1)

D. Michael Quinn (1)

dad jokes (1)

Dada (1)

DALL-E (1)

Dallin Oaks (4)

Dan Krutka (4)

Dan McClellan (5)

Dan Wu (1)

danah boyd (1)

Danger and Other Unknown Risks (1)

Daniel (1)

Daniel Cameron (2)

Daniel Migliore (1)

Daniel Tiger (1)

Daniela DiGiacomo (4)

Danny Caine (1)

Danville (1)

Dark Wire (1)

data (13)

data as oil (1)

data breach (1)

data brokers (3)

data centers (1)

data ethics (3)

data feminism (4)

data for good (1)

data governance (1)

data privacy (4)

data science (17)

datafication (6)

Dave Noyce (1)

David Archuleta (1)

David Bentley Hart (4)

David Graeber (4)

David Graeber and David Wengrow (1)

David Howlett (5)

David Lafuente (2)

David Lloyd (1)

David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism (1)

David Treuer (1)

David Weber (1)

David Wengrow (3)

David Wiley (1)

David Willis (13)

Day One (11)

Daybreak (1)

Daylight Savings (1)

DC (1)

Deane Barker (2)

death (1)

debate (1)

decentralization (1)

deconstruction (2)

deep web (1)

deepfake (4)

deepfake pornography (3)

deepfakes (1)

definitions (2)

DEI (5)

Deirdre Nicole Green (1)

Deji Bryce Olukoton (1)

deliver (1)

deliverance (1)

Dem Bones (1)

democracy (4)

democracy and education (1)

democratic education (3)

Democratic Republic of Congo (1)

Dendo (1)

depression (8)

Deseret Book (1)

Desmond Tutu (6)

Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu (1)

determinism (1)

Devin Nunes (1)

Devo (1)

DezNat (18)

Dialogue (1)

Dialogue (journal) (2)

Dialogue journal (4)

dictation (1)

dictée (1)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1)

digital (2)

digital content (1)

digital divide (4)

Digital Futures Commission (1)

digital labor (39)

digital methods (16)

digital ministry (4)

digital Mormon studies (1)

digital native (2)

digital natives (1)

digital ownership (2)

digital religion (3)

digital research (1)

digital rights (1)

digital traces (6)

digital traces research (7)

digital vs. analog (1)

Dijon (3)

Dimension 20 (1)

Dirk Ifenthaler (1)

Disciples' Generous Response (1)

Discord (1)

discussion boards (1)

disinformation (10)

Disney (6)

Disney+ (9)

dissertation (3)

diversity (1)

divine feminine (1)

DKL (2)

DKL Dreyeckland (3)

DLC (1)

DMA (1)

DNS (3)

Doctor Strange (1)

Doctor Who (4)

Doctrine & Covenants (1)

Doctrine and Covenants (5)

Domain Name System (1)

domain names (2)

Don Lemon (1)

Don't Say Gay (1)

Donald Trump (63)

donuts (1)

Dork Tower (2)

Dorothy Sayers (2)

Doug Mastriano (1)

Douglas Adams (1)

Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (2)

doxxing (3)

Dr. McNinja (1)

Dr. Strangelove (1)

Dragon Hoops (1)

dreams (4)

dress codes (2)

Dreyfus Affair (3)

DRM (13)

drone strikes (4)

drones (6)

dual monitors (1)

DuckDuckGo (1)

Duke (1)

dumb jokes (6)

Dumbing of Age (15)

Dune (2)

Dune Part Two (1)

Dungeons & Dragons (2)

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (1)

Dungeons and Dragons (20)

dystopia (1)

e-bikes (6)

e-hall pass (1)

e-waste (1)

Easter (6)

ecclesiology (5)

ed tech (3)

Eddy Mitchell (1)

EDF (1)

Edge (1)

editing (2)

edpsych (1)

edtech (76)

EdTechBooks (1)

education (16)

Education Week (1)

educational psychology (2)

EducationWeek (2)

Edward Snowden (3)

Eero (1)

EFF (23)

efficiency (2)

egalitarianism (1)

Egypt (1)

elections (11)

electoral college (1)

electric vehicle (1)

Element: A Journal of Mormon Philosophy and Theology (1)

Elemental (1)

Elf on the Shelf (1)

Eli Capilouto (1)

Elijah (2)

Elizabeth Warren (1)

Elon Musk (127)

ElonJet (1)

Elsevier (3)

email (7)

emergency alert (1)

emergency remote teaching (2)

Emily Jensen (1)

Emma Smith (1)

Emmanuel Macron (1)

emoji (7)

emojis (1)

empiricism (1)

empiricism washing (1)

encryption (4)

Enduring Principles (1)

energy (1)

engineering (1)

Enilda Romero-Hall (2)

Enlightenment (1)

enmediation (1)

enshittification (1)

environment (1)

environmentalism (1)

EPFL (1)

Epiphany (3)

epistemological humility (1)

epistolary media (3)

Epson (1)

equity (1)

Eric Schmidt (1)

Eric Zemmour (1)

Erica Henderson (1)

Erik Prince (1)

espionage (2)

Espionage Act (1)

essentialism (3)

Esther (1)

eternity (2)

Eternity in the Ether: A Mormon Media History (1)

ethics (20)

ethics review boards (1)

Étienne Wenger (1)

Etsy (1)

eugenics (1)

eurogames (2)

European Union (1)

Eurovision (18)

Eurovision 2023 (2)

Eurovision 2024 (5)

Evan Brody (2)

Everything Everywhere All At Once (1)

Ex Machina (1)

exam proctoring (1)

exclusivism (6)

exclusivity (1)

exercise (1)

exhaustion (1)

existential (2)

Existential Comics (1)

existential dread (4)

existentialism (1)

Exploring Community of Christ Basic Beliefs (1)

Exponent II (1)

Exra Taft Benson (1)

Extremely Hardcore (2)

Ezekiel (1)

Ezra Taft Benson (8)

Fables (4)

Facebook (33)

facial recognition (19)

fact checking (2)

factory farming (1)

faculty governance (3)

Fahrenheit 451 (1)

failure (1)

fair use (1)

Fairphone (3)

faith crisis (3)

faith transition (26)

Faith Unraveled (1)

Faiza Guène (1)

fallibility (1)

falsifiability (1)

fame (1)

family (3)

fanfiction (2)

fanservice (1)

fantasy (1)

far right (46)

farmers market (1)

fascism (1)

FATE (2)

Father's Day (3)

fatherhood (1)

Fatimah Salleh (1)

Fayette County Public Schools (2)

FBI (3)

FCC (1)

FCPS (2)

federated social media (2)

FedEx (1)

fediverse (13)

Feed (1)

Feedbin (3)

feeeed (2)

feelings of failure (1)

feminism (3)


Fidesz (1)

Fight for the Future (1)

file systems (1)

Fiona Givens (1)

Fiona Staples (11)

Fiona Staples and Brian K. Vaughan (4)

Firedrake the Silver Dragon (1)

Firefly (1)

Firefox (4)

Fireside with Blair Hodges (1)

First Nations (2)

First Vision (2)

fishes and ponds (1)

flights (3)

Flintstones (1)

Flock (1)

flood the zone (1)

Floppotron (1)

Florida (5)

flu (4)

flying (1)

FOIA (1)

food (2)

food waste (1)

football (2)

For All Mankind (4)

For the Win (2)

for-profit prisons (2)

forced arbitration (1)

forgiveness (5)

FOSS (1)

Fox News (1)

FoxTrot (1)

Françafrique (1)

France (40)

France Culture (2)

France Gall (1)

Francophonie (1)

Frank (1)

Frankenstein (5)

fraud (1)

free market (1)

free speech (38)

free vs. libre (1)

Freegal (1)

freemium (1)

Freespace (1)

Freezepop (1)

FREN 102 (1)

French (95)

French Resistance (1)

French teaching (8)

Friends Committee on National Legislation (1)

FTC (3)

fundamentalism (5)

fundraising (1)

funerals (1)

Fusus (1)

future of Community of Christ (1)

Gab (36)

Gabrielle Roy (1)

Gad Elmaleh (1)

Gadianton robbers (1)


Galactica (1)

game design (2)

game mechanics (1)

games (10)

games and learning (2)

gamification (2)

gaming pub (1)

Gare à vous (5)

garlic (1)

Gary Oldman (1)

Gas (4)

gas prices (1)

Gavin Feller (2)

gayservatives (1)

Gaza (5)

Gemina (1)

gender (5)

Gender Queer: A Memoir (1)

Gene Luen Yang (3)

general purpose computing (1)

generative AI (85)

Generous Thinking (1)

Geneva (4)

genocide (1)

Geoff Marshall (1)

Geoff Young (1)

Geoguessr (1)

geolocation (3)

George Pyle (1)

George Smiley (3)

George Veletsianos (4)

George W. Bush (1)

Georgia (1)

Gérard Lenorman (1)

Gérard Siegwalt (8)

Germany (1)

gerrymandering (4)

Gettr (1)

ggplot2 (1)

Gideon (1)

GIFs (1)

Gigi Sohn (1)

Gina Colvin (1)

ginger (1)

Giorgia Meloni (1)

Girls Who Code (1)

Git (1)

Github (2)

Giulia Evolvi (1)

Gizmodo (2)

glass cliff (1)

Glass Houses (1)

glasses (1)

Glenn Beck (1)

Global Mormon Studies (2)

Global Mormon Studies network (1)

Global South (3)

Gloomhaven (1)

GMS 2023 (1)

gnomes (1)

God (1)

God is in the Manger (1)

goetta (1)

GoGuardian (1)

golden rule (1)

golf (1)

GOO (2)

good enough (1)

Good Friday (1)

Good Omens (1)

Google (22)

Google Docs (2)

Google Drive (1)

Google Maps (1)

Google Scholar (2)

GOP (25)

Gordon Hinckley (2)

gospel (1)

Gospel Tangents (1)

government (2)

GPT (2)

GPT-3 (1)

GPT-4 (1)

grace (5)

Grace and Generosity (3)

Graceland CIMM (7)

Graceland University (3)

grad school (9)

grades (1)

grading (24)

Graham Robb (1)

grammar snobbery (1)

Grammarly (6)

Grand Corps Malade (1)

Grant Hardy (8)

Grant McMurray (5)

Grant Morrison (2)

grants (2)

great and abominable church (1)

great power great responsibility (2)

great replacement (1)

Greek life (1)

Greek mythology (1)

Green Goblin (1)

green spaces (1)

green tea (1)

Greg Abbott (2)

Greg Pak (3)

Greg Prince (2)

Greg Rucka (5)

Gregory A. Prince (1)

Grenoble (5)

Greyhound (1)

grift (1)

Groyper (1)

Groypers (1)

gruyère (1)

Gruyères (1)

Guantánamo Bay (1)

Guantánamo Kid (1)

guest lecture (1)

gun control (8)

gun violence (16)

guns (1)

Gutenberg (1)

Guy Delisle (9)

Gwen Stacy (1)

H. R. Giger (1)

habit tracking (3)

Habitica (4)

habits (1)

hacking (1)

Halloween (3)

Halo (1)

Hamas (2)

Hamilton (1)

Handel's Messiah (1)

Hanukkah (1)

happy coincidences (3)

Harmony (1)

Harry Potter (2)

Harry Potter and the Sacred Text (4)

Harry Turtledove (3)

hashtags (1)

hate speech (1)

health care (1)

health insurance (1)

healthcare (1)

heart (1)

heaven (3)

Hebrew Bible (1)

Heike's Void (2)

Heir to the Empire (2)

hell (4)

Henry Kissinger (1)

Her Hugs Are Traps (1)

herbal tea (2)

Heritage Foundation (1)

hermeneutics (1)

Herod (1)

Hervé Le Tellier (1)

heterosexual extinction (1)

hexadecimal (1)

Hey, Guess What, I'm a Lesbian! (1)

Hida Viloria (1)

hidden pictures (1)

high school (2)

high-speed rail (2)

higher education (4)


historicity (2)

history (1)

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (4)

Hitoshi Ashinano (1)

Hogwarts (1)

Holy Saturday (1)

Holy Week (3)

home maintenance (3)

home ownership (2)

home repair (2)

Homeland (2)

Homeland Security (1)

Homestar Runner (9)

homophobia (3)

Honor Harrington (2)

Honorable Harvest (1)

hoopla (3)

hope (9)

hoppla (1)

How Jesus Became God (1)

How the Bible Actually Works (1)

How to Resist Amazon and Why (1)

How to Train Your Dragon (1)

HTML (4)

Hugh Howey (1)

Hugo (17)

human rights (1)

humanities (7)

Humanities Commons (2)

humanities education (1)

Humble Bundle (1)

Hungary (2)

hunger (1)

Hunter Biden (1)

hybrid conferences (1)

hymns (1)

Hypothesis (13)

I Beg You, Don't Cast Your Body Into the Cragged Shame Pits of the Lustwolves (1)

I Excised All My Anxieties into Cartoon Characters Who Definitely Don't Have Feelings for Each Other (1)

I Was Their American Dream (1)

I'm Sorry, I Haven't A Clue (1)

Ian Mackintosh (1)

Ian Marchant (1)


ice cream (1)

iCloud (1)

ICT (4)

ICT 200 (5)

ICT 202 (17)

ICT 202”,”LIS 618 (1)

ICT 302 (29)

ICT 310 (1)

ICT 661 (16)

ICT program (1)

ICT teaching (3)

Idaho (1)

ideal (1)

identity crisis (1)

If You Were the Only (1)

Illuminae (1)

image generation (1)

Imaginary Jesus (1)

IMLS (1)

immigration (2)

imperialism (1)

impossibility theorem (1)

imposter syndrome (5)

in cab videos (3)

In Real Life (1)

incarnation (6)

inclusivity (1)

Independence temple (6)

independent bookstores (10)

India Plough (1)

Indiana (1)

Indiana Jones (1)

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (1)

indigeneity (5)

Indigenous People's Day (1)

Indigenous Peoples Day (1)

indignation (1)

Indignez-vous ! (1)

Indochine (4)

inequality (1)

infallibility (1)

infastructure (1)

infertility (3)

informal professional development (1)

Information and Learning Sciences (1)

information literacy (4)

information operations (1)

infrastructure (7)

inkjet printers (1)

Inside Out (1)

Inside Out 2 (1)

Instagram (5)

instant messaging (1)

instructional communication (1)

instructional design (1)

intellectual freedom (1)

intellectual property (32)

intellectual property law (1)

intellextual property (1)

interactive fiction (1)

interdisciplinarity (2)

interlibrary loan (3)

international relations (1)

internet (6)

Internet Archive (14)

internet culture (2)

Internet of Things (1)

internet radio (13)

internet research (4)

Internet Research Agency (1)

internet speed (1)

interoperability (2)

intersex (1)

intervening God (2)

Introduction to Scripture (4)

Intuit (1)

io9 (1)

iOS (6)

IoT (3)

iPad (2)

iPads (1)

iPhone (1)

Iran (2)

Iraq War (2)

IRBs (1)

Ireland (1)

Ironsworn (4)

Isaac (2)

Isaiah (1)

Islam (2)

Islamophobia (2)

ISPs (1)

Israel (8)

It Won't Always Be Like This (1)

Italy (1)

itch (1)

itch.io (1)

ivory tower (1)

Izneo (1)

J. Michael Straczynski (1)

J. Robert Oppenheimer (2)

Jack Dorsey (1)

Jad Hatem (1)

James Bond (3)

James Cromwell (1)

James Goodman (2)

James Martin (2)

James Paul Gee (3)

James T. Kirk (1)

Jana Riess (9)

Jane Eyre (1)

Jared Muralt (1)

jasmine tea (1)

Jason Bourne (1)

Jason Shiga (3)

Jason Snell (1)

JCPS (1)

JD Vance (4)

Je suis Ahmed (1)

Jean Lave (1)

Jean-Baptiste Guégan (1)

Jean-Paul Sartre (1)

Jedi (1)

Jeff Bezos (5)

Jeff Carpenter (3)

Jeffrey Holland (1)

Jen Wang (1)

Jepthah (1)

Jerusalem (4)

Jesus (1)

Jesus Christ (3)

Jesus for the Non-Religious (1)

Jim Jordan (3)

Jimu robot (1)


Joanna Brooks (4)

Job (3)

job post (1)

Joe Dassin (1)

Joe Rogan (3)

Johann Schneider-Ammann (1)

John Barton (2)

John Birch Society (1)

John Dorhauer (1)

John Eastman (1)

John Engler (1)

John Fetterman (1)

John Finnemore (10)

John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (9)

John G. Turner (3)

John Hamer (2)

John Kovalic (1)

John Le Carré (16)

John Lewis (1)

John Mastodon (2)

John Shelby Spong (3)

John Williams (1)

Johnny Hallyday (6)

jokes (1)

Jom Jordan (1)

Jon Agee (1)

Jon Sciezka (1)

Jonathan Coulton (1)

Joost (1)

Jordan Morris (1)

Jordan Morris and Bowen McCurdy (1)

José van Dijck (4)

Joseph Cox (1)

Joseph F. Smith (1)

Joseph Smith Jr. (4)

Joseph Spencer (2)

Josephine Baker (1)

Josh Hawley (2)

Josh Rosenberg (12)

journal metrics (1)

Journal of Book of Mormon Studies (1)

Journal of the Mormon Social Science Association (2)

journaling (12)

journalism (1)

journals (4)

Juan Díaz Canales (2)

Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido (2)

Juanjo Guarnido (2)

Judaism (2)

Julia Kaye (1)

Julia Rothman (1)

Jungle Jim's (1)

Just Put Down the Ukulele Only Then Can the Healing Begin (1)

justice (1)

Kagi (1)

Kai Bird and Martin J. Shermin (1)

Kansas (1)

Kari Lake (1)

Karin Peter (1)

Karl Pearson (1)

Karl Tremblay (6)

Karla (1)

Kash Patel (1)

Katalin Novák (3)

Kate Beaton (1)

Kate Conger (1)

Kate Conger and Ryan Mac (1)

Kathleen Fitzpatrick (3)

Katie Harmon-McLaughlin (3)

kebab (2)

Kelly and Zach Weinersmith (2)

Kelly Craft (2)

Kelly Weinersmith (2)

Ken Paxton (1)

Ken White (1)

Kentucky (68)

Kentucky Derby (2)

Kentucky for Kentucky (1)

Kentucky General Assembly (25)

Kentucky Supreme Court (1)

Kenya (2)

Kerry Pray (1)

ketchup (1)

Kevin Conroy (1)

Kevin McCarthy (2)

Keybase (2)

keyboard shortcuts (1)

Keyforge (2)

Kickstarter (2)

Kids on Bikes (1)

Kierkegaard (2)

Kiffe kiffe demain (2)

Kimberly Matheson Berkey (1)

Kindle (6)

King James Version (7)

kingdom of God (2)

Kirby Heyborne (1)

Kirtland (1)

Kirtland Temple (9)

Kirtland Temple (book) (1)

Kitty Pryde (1)

Klaus Teuber (1)

Knoxville (1)

KONY 12 (1)

KOSA (4)

Kristen Kobes Du Mez" (1)

Kristy Robinson (1)

Kurt Busiek (5)

Kurt Busiek and Stuart Immonen (1)

Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson, and Alex Ross (4)

Kwanzaa (1)

Kyle Jones (1)

Kylie Nielson Turley (1)

L'Anomalie (3)

L'invention de Dieu (1)

La Marseillaise (1)

La réinvention du nom de Dieu (7)

labor (1)

labyrinth (1)

Lach Mackay (3)

laïcité (5)

Lam Thuy Vo (1)

Lambda School (1)

language (3)

language education (1)

Larry Cuban (2)

Larry Lessig (1)

Larry Nasser (1)

Lasers and Feelings (1)

LaTeX (1)

Latter-day Saint missionaries (17)

Latter-day Saint temples (2)

Latter-day Seekers (1)

Laura Harris Hales (1)

Lauren Boebert (1)

Lauren Klein (3)

Laurent Binet (1)

Laurie Theurer (1)

Lausanne (5)

Lavina Fielding Anderson (2)

law and order (1)

law enforcement (7)

lawn care (1)

LDS Perspectives Podcast (1)

Le hussard noir (1)

Le mythe de Sisyphe (1)

Le Petit Nicolas (1)

Le Roi Soleil (1)

leadership (1)

Leandro Fernández (1)

Leandro Palacios (1)

learning (3)

learning analytics (4)

learning design (1)

learning in the deep end (1)

learning management systems (2)

learning styles (1)

learning theories (1)

LEB (3)

Lebanon (1)

lectionary (1)

Leeroy Jenkins (1)

Legacy Trail (1)

Legends & Lattes (2)

legitimacy (2)

LEGO Mindstorms (1)

Leia Organa (1)

Lent (1)

Leo Tolstoy (10)

Les Cowboys Fringants (16)

Les Jones (1)

Les Lacs du Connemara (1)

Les républicains (1)

Les Trois Accords (1)

Les Trois Néphites, Le Bodhisattva et le Mahdî (1)

letters (2)

letters of recommendation (1)

Letters to a Young Mormon (1)

Levi Sands (1)

Lexington (29)

Lexington Herald-Leader (4)

Lexington sister cities (1)


LGBTQ (55)

liar's dividend (1)

Libby (3)

liberal arts education (1)

libraries (51)

library (1)

LibriVox (1)

licensing (1)

licorice (1)

Life on Mars (1)

lifelong education (1)

Limhi (1)

Linda Gorton (2)

Linda Yaccarino (1)

line upon line (1)

linguistics (1)

link (1091)

link shorteners (1)

link tax (1)

Linux (1)

LIS (3)

LIS 600 (1)

LIS 618 (16)

LIS 661 (1)

listserv (1)

literacies (5)

Little Brother (4)

Little Brother series (10)

liturgical calendar (9)

liturgical year (2)

LiveJournal (1)

LLMs (4)

LMS (4)

LMSs (1)

local government (1)

local news (10)

local politics (6)

locating tracking (1)

location data (4)

location tracking (1)

logical fallacies (1)

Logo (1)

Loki (1)

London (2)

Look Around You (1)

Lord of the Rings (1)

lottery (1)

Lotus Dimension (2)

Louis Segond (1)

Louisville (3)

Louisville Public Media (1)

lower back (3)

Luddism (1)

Lupin (2)

Lyndon Johnson (1)

machine learning (6)

machine translation (1)

macOS (8)

macro (277)

Madagascar (1)

Madeline Ashby (1)

Madison Cawthorn (1)

MAET (1)

Maggie Berg and Barbara K Seeber (1)

Maggie Berg and Barbara K. Seeber (1)

magic (2)

Magic: The Gathering (1)

Magical Kitties Save the Day (3)

Maia Kobabe (1)

Mailchimp (1)

Malagasy (1)

Malaka Gharib (2)

Mandolorian (1)

manga (1)

Mannheim Steamroller (1)

Manu Chao (1)

MARC (1)

Marc Prensky (1)

Marcel Pagnol (1)

March (1)

Marco Rubio (1)

Margaret Olsen Hemming (1)

Maria Cahill (1)

Marie Heath (1)

Marine Le Pen (2)

Mario (2)

Mario Kart (4)

Mario Party (1)

Mario Wonder (1)

Marjorie Taylor Greene (7)

Mark Bagley (18)

Mark E. Peterson (1)

Mark Scherer (3)

Mark Waid (1)

Mark Zuckerberg (2)

Markdown (4)

marriage (6)

Marriott (1)

Marry Me a Little (1)

Marsha Blackburn (1)

Martha Wells (1)

Martin Hench series (5)

Marvel (10)

Mary Shelley (1)

masculinity (4)

Masnick's Law (2)

Mason Kamana Allred (1)

mass shooting (1)

mass shootings (13)

mass surveillance (2)

Massacre of the Innocents (2)

Mastodon (31)

Matt Bors (1)

Matt Bowman (1)

Matt Fraction (1)

Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky (1)

Matt Gaetz (1)

Matt Koehler (4)

Matt Leacock (1)

Matt Mikalatos (1)

Matt Mullenweg (3)

Matt Ruff (1)

Matt Taibbi (1)

Matt Walsh (1)

Matthew Bolton (2)

Mattie Lubchansky (1)

Maurine Whipple (1)

Maus (3)

Maxwell Institute Podcast (1)

mbnov2022 (34)

MC Solaar (1)

McCarthyism (1)

McDonald's (1)

McGraw-Hill (1)

McNugget Buddy (1)

McSweeney's (1)

MCU (5)

meaning (1)

meaningful games (1)

Meanwhile (2)

measurement (1)

meat (1)

Mech Cadet Yu (3)

mecha (1)

mechs (2)

media (272)

media appearances (12)

media literacy (1)

Media Matters (2)

media ownership (2)

meetings (1)

Megan Bannen (1)

Mehroz Sajjad (2)

Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye (5)

memes (7)

mental health (13)

mentoring (1)

mentorship (3)

meritocracy (1)

mermaids (1)

Mes aïeux (1)

Meta (9)

metacognition (1)

metafiction (2)

metahumor (1)

methods (1)

métro parisien (1)

MetroMagnetz (1)

Mette Harrison (1)

MewnBase (1)

Michael Adams (1)

Michael Austin (3)

Michael Flynn (1)

Michael Quinn (1)

Michel Sardou (1)

Michigan (4)

Mick Herron (3)

Mickey Mouse (2)

micro (1023)

Micro.blog (9)

Microsoft (6)

Microsoft Word (1)

Migros (1)

Miguel Sicart (1)

Mike Johnson (1)

Mike Lee (3)

Mike Madnick (1)

Mike Masnick (40)

Mike Pence (2)

Mike Pompeo (1)

Miles Morales (2)

mindfulness (4)

Minecraft (3)

Mini Metro (1)

ministry (1)

Ministry of the Disciple course (1)

miracles (1)

misinformation (11)

misogyny (3)

Mission Impossible (1)

Missouri (7)

Mistborn (1)

Mistborn Adventure Game (1)

MIT (2)

Mitch Mayne (1)

Mitch McConnell (7)

Mitchell and Webb (1)

Mitt Romney (1)

Mix & Remix (1)

mixed-faith marriage (1)

mobile apps (1)

MocMoc (1)

model collapse (1)

Model Minority (1)

Moderna (1)

modesty worship (1)

Molly Ostertag (2)

Molly White (4)

Mona (1)

monarchy (1)

monopolies (3)

monopoly (1)

MonsieurLeProf (1)

moral panic (1)

moral philosophy (1)

morality (1)

morals (1)

more data better data (2)

Mormon (2)

Mormon Doctrine (1)

Mormon feminism (1)

Mormon fundamentalism (1)

Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power (1)

Mormon history (3)

Mormon Land (9)

Mormon Moment (2)

Mormon pioneers (1)

Mormon Social Science Association (4)

Mormon Studies (17)

Mormon Twitter (9)

Mormonism (92)

Mosiah (1)

Mother's Day (2)

Motherboard (1)

Mountain Meadows Massacre (1)

movie (20)

movies (2)

Mozilla (7)

Mozilla Social (1)

Mpho Tutu (6)

Ms. Marvel (5)


MSSA (6)

MST3K (1)

MST3K Mantra (1)

MSU (3)

MTurk (1)

muesli (5)

Mulhouse (1)

Muppets (2)

music (65)

music streaming (3)

mustard (1)

Mutualism (1)

My Peer Group's Smoochy Chart Is Basically Now an Ouroboros (1)

Myself (771)

mythology (2)

Nadia Bolz-Weber (2)

Namor (1)

Nancy (2)

Nancy Pelosi (3)

Nancy Ross (1)

Nancy Wins at Friendship (1)

NaNoTwiMo (1)

NaNoWriMo (1)

narrative (2)

NASA (4)

Natalie Brown (1)

nationalism (1)

natural disasters (1)

Nazis (1)

Nazism (1)

Neal Stephenson (1)

Neil Cicierega (1)

Neil deAtley (1)

Neil Gaiman (1)

Nel Noddings (1)

Nephi (4)

Neri Oxman (2)

net neutrality (2)

Netlify (1)

NetNewsWire (2)

networks (4)

neuroscience (1)

New Revised Standard Version (1)

New Seeds of Contemplation (2)

New Testament (3)

New Year (1)

news (3)

newsletter (1)

NFTs (2)

NIck Frederick (1)

Nick Fuentes (3)

Nick Fury (1)

Nigel Richards (1)

Nigeria (1)

Nigerians in Space (1)

Nineteen Eighty-Four (1)

Nintendo Switch (2)

Nintendo Wii (2)

no technical solutions (1)

non-literal (2)

non-theism (7)

non-violence (14)

Nora Krug (1)

North Korea (1)

Northeast Corridor (1)

Northeastern (1)

Northern Kentucky (4)

nostalgia (4)

Not Just Bikes (1)

notebooks (3)

Notre-Dame de Paris (1)

Now Let's Go Commit Something Mildly Subversive (1)

NPR (6)

NSA (3)

NSF (1)

nuclear disarmament (2)

nuclear power (1)

nuclear waste (2)

nuclear weapons (8)

nudity (1)

numbers stations (1)

Oath Keepers (1)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (1)

objectivity (3)

Obsidio (1)

Occupy (1)

OER (10)

OGL (1)

Ohio (1)

Oklahoma (3)

Olivia Jaimes (2)

On Basilisk Station (1)

One Shot (1)

OneDrive (1)

online learning (2)

online Mormonism (21)

online presence (1)

online teaching (5)

OnlyFans (1)

open access (12)

Open Gaming License (5)

open licensing (3)

open primaries (1)

open records (1)

open science (2)

open source (4)

open textbooks (2)

open web (1)

OpenAI (32)

operationalization (1)

Oppenheimer (2)

optical drive (1)

optimism (2)

Orbán test (1)

Ordain Women (1)

Order of the Stick (2)

ordination (1)

orthodontia (1)

OuiGo (1)

Oulipo (1)

Outlook (1)

Overcast (1)

ownership (4)

P. Djèli Clark (1)

Pagliacci (1)

Paizo (3)

Palestine (5)

palindromes (1)

Panama City (1)

Papers Please (1)

Parable of the Samaritan (3)

paradigms (1)

parent choice (1)

parenting (167)

Paris (7)

Paris metro (1)

Parler (5)

Particle Man (1)

party affiliation (1)

Party Discipline (1)

Passion for Peace (1)

password (1)

password security (1)

patents (1)

Pathfinder (2)

Patreon (3)

Patrick Mason (1)

Patriot Front (1)

Paul Gosar (2)

Paul Reeve (1)

Paul Tillich (3)

Pavel Durov (1)

Paw Patrol (1)

pay to play (2)

peace (8)

Peace and Justice course (1)

Peace Salaam Shalom (2)

Peacock (2)

Peanuts (1)

Pearl of Great Price (1)

Pearson (1)

pedagogical knowledge (1)

pedestalism (1)

pedestrians (1)

peer review (25)

Peggy Fletcher Stack (6)

Peggy Sue loop (1)

penetration testing (1)

Pennsylvania (1)

People's Republic of China (1)

perfect (1)

perfection (1)

perfectionism (6)

persecution (2)

persecution complex (1)

personal organization (7)

personal revelation (1)

personalization (3)

pet peeves (1)

Pete Enns (3)

Peter Enns (1)

petite ceinture (1)

Pfizer (1)

pharmaceuticals (1)

PhD (1)

Philip Roth (1)

Phillip Kennedy Johnson (1)

philosophy (4)

phishing (2)

Phoenix (1)

physical therapy (1)

physicality (1)

Pimeyes (1)

Pirate Cinema (1)

Pirate Enlightenment (1)

Pirate Party (3)

Pirate politics (1)

pirates (1)

Pixar (1)

Pixelfed (1)

pizza (3)

Pizza Day (1)

plagiarism (9)

plagiarism detection (3)

plagiarism software (2)

planes (1)

planners (1)

platform perspective (2)

Platformer (2)

platforms (33)

playing cards (1)

podcast (2)

podcasts (42)

Poesy the Monster Slayer (1)

poet laureate (1)

Pokémon (9)

Pokémon TCG (2)

police brutality (1)

police technology (1)

political cartoons (1)

political science (2)

polygamy (2)

Popehat (1)

Portal (1)

positivism (2)


post-apocalypse (1)

post-apocalyptic fiction (1)

postcast (1)

Posteo (1)

posture (1)

potty training (1)

Poul Anderson (1)

poutine (2)

poverty (5)

power (4)

Power from on High (1)

Practical Anarchism (3)

prayer (2)

Preach My Gospel (1)

preaching (1)

predictive policing (1)

premillenialism (1)

premillennialism (1)

preppers (1)

preprints (1)

prescription sunglasses (1)

presence (1)

presentations (5)

Pride (2)

priesthood (5)

priesthood and temple ban (1)

primary elections (2)

printers (1)

prisons (3)

privacy (83)

privacy policies (1)

privilege (6)

procrastination (1)

proctoring software (5)

Proctorio (2)

productivity (7)

professional development (1)

programming (14)

Project 2025 (1)

project management (1)

Project Nessie (1)

Project Zion Podcast (2)

proofing (1)

proofreading (3)

prooftexting (2)

prophet (1)

prophetic people (1)

prophetic voice (1)

proportional representation (1)

Proposition 8 (1)

ProPublica (1)

protest (1)

ProtonMail (1)

Proud Boys (3)

pseudoephedrine (1)

publc domain (1)

public domain (7)

public education (3)

Public Service Broadcasting (2)

public transit (16)

public transport (1)

publication (2)

publications (9)

publishing (14)

Publons (1)

punching Nazis (1)

puns (3)

Punya Mishra (4)

Pushing Daisies (2)

Pyongyang (2)

Q (3)

QAnon (9)

Quai d'Orsay (1)

Quaker (1)

qualitative (1)

qualitative research (3)

Qualtrics (1)

quantification (6)

quantitative (3)

quantitative methods (1)

quantitative research (3)

Québec (9)

Queen (2)

Queen & Country (8)

queerphobia (8)

Quelque chose de Tennessee (1)

Quick (2)

R (11)

R. Crumb (1)

R. Sikoryak (4)

race (1)

Rachel Held Evans (2)

racism (15)

radical (1)

radical hope (1)

Radicalized (2)

Radicalized (collection) (4)

radio (36)

Radio Chablais (1)

radio drama (1)

Radio France Internationale (1)

Radio Télévision Suisse (17)

Rand Paul (5)

Randall Munroe (1)

ranked choice voting (5)

Rassemblement national (1)

rationalism (1)

RATP (1)

Ray Bradbury (1)

Ray Nayler (1)

razor and blades (1)

RCAH (2)

RCR training (1)

reading (30)


Rebecca Giblin (3)

Rebecca Giblin and Cory Doctorow (1)

Rebels (1)

reckoning (1)

reconciliation (1)

red pill (2)

Red Team Blues (4)

Redbubble (1)

reddit (24)

redemption (2)

Reeder (1)

reference manager (1)

reference managers (2)

refugees (3)

regex (3)

regressive taxation (1)

regulation (2)

Relationships (217)

religion (7)

Religion of a Different Color (1)

religious authority (7)

religious freedom (4)

religious violence (1)

remarkjs (1)

remix (1)

remix culture (1)

remixing (2)

Renee DiResta (1)

Renée DiResta (1)

Renee Kaufmann (1)

Renens (5)


Renounce Magical Thinking and Embrace Empirical Evidence (1)

Reply All (1)

Reporters Without Borders (1)

representation (1)

reproducibility (1)

reproductive rights (10)

reproductive rights. (1)

rereading the Book of Mormon project (7)

research (120)

research ethics (6)

research funding (1)

research methods (2)

research paradigms (9)

responsive design (1)

Restoration (3)

Restoration Scriptures: A Study of Their Textual Development (1)

Restorations (5)

resurrection (5)

retirement (1)

retrolisthesis (1)

Reunion (8)

Reunion 2022 (2)

Revenge of the Sith (1)

revenge porn (1)

rhetoric (1)

Richard Howard (3)

Richard Nixon (1)

Richard Rohr (2)

Rick Falkvinge (1)

Rick Scott (1)

Rick Turley (1)

rickroll (1)

right to repair (1)

rigor (1)

Ring (13)

Ring Nation (2)

RLDS Church (1)

Rob Kirby (1)

Robert Alter (5)

Robert G. Folsom (1)

Robert Gehl (1)

Robin Wall Kimmerer (4)

robotics (2)

robots (1)

Roger Stone (1)

Roku (1)

roll20 (1)

romance (1)

Romanshorn (1)

Ron DeSantis (4)

Ron Watkins (1)

Ron Wyden (1)

Ronna McDaniel (1)

rooibos (1)

Roomba (2)

Royal Skousen (1)

Royce Kimmons (1)

RSS (19)

Rumble (1)

runner's high (1)

running (9)

Russell Nelson (7)

Russia (25)

Ryan Cragun (1)

Ryan Mac (1)

Ryan North (1)

Ryan North and Erica Henderson (1)

Ryan Quarles (1)

Ryan Walters (2)

sacraments (1)

Sacré Charlemagne (1)

sacrifice (4)

Safer Kentucky Act (1)

Saga (13)

Salesforce (1)

Salt Lake Tribune (11)

Sam Altman (2)

Samaritan (3)

Sapiens (2)

Sara Horowitz (1)

Sara M. Patterson (2)

Sara Perry (1)

Sarah Barriage (3)

Sarah Gretter (1)

satellites (1)

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (3)

Saudi Arabia (1)

Saul (1)

Savannah Maddox (1)

Scarlett Johansson (1)

schismogenesis (1)

scholarly communication (1)

Scholars@UK (2)

school (4)

school board (1)

school break (1)

school fundraiser (1)

School of Information Science (5)

school safety (2)

school security (2)

school shootings (5)

school surveillance (1)

schools (8)

science (2)

science fiction (1)

Scott Branson (3)

Scott Hales (1)

Scott McCloud (1)


Scouting (1)

Scrabble (2)

screen time (1)

screenshots (1)

scripting (1)

scriptural literalism (3)

scripture (6)

sealing power (1)

search engines (2)

Section 230 (2)

secularism (2)

security (1)

security theater (1)

self-acceptance (1)

self-driving cars (1)

seminary (1)

Senegal (1)

Sénégal (1)

September 11th (1)

September Six (2)

Serge Gainsbourg (2)

service (2)

settler colonialism (1)

Settlers of Catan (1)

Seven Last Words (1)

sex (1)

Sex Criminals (1)

sexism (4)

sexual abuse (5)

sexual assault (2)

sexual ethic (1)

sexual ethics (1)

sexual harassment (2)

Seymour Papert (1)

Shandra Newcom (1)

Shannon Oltmann (1)

Sharing in Community of Christ (1)

Shawn Tompkin (1)

She-Hulk (1)

Sheep and Goats (1)

Sherlock Holmes (1)

Short Stories By Jesus (1)

siblings (1)

sickness (1)

sideloading (3)

Signal (1)

Silo (1)

Silverview (1)

Sinophobia (1)

Siri (1)

Siri Shortcuts (13)

SIS (1)

Skinner (1)

Sky High (1)

Skyline Chili (1)

slavery (1)

sleep (4)

slides (1)

Slow Horses (9)

slow movement (1)

smart devices (2)

smart TVs (6)

smartphone (4)

smartphones (2)

Smash Boom Best (1)

Smiley's People (1)

Smith-Rigdon movement (3)

Snapchat (1)

SNCF (5)

Sneakers (2)

snow days (3)

soccer (6)

social annotation (6)

social constructs (1)

Social Fiction (1)

social justice (5)

social media (28)

social media research (4)

social science (1)

Social Sentinel (1)

society (1)

sociocultural theories of learning (3)

software (1)

solar power (1)

solemn assembly (1)

SomaFM (1)

son of God (1)

Soul (1)

SoundCloud (1)

South Africa (1)

souvenirs (1)

space (5)

space exploration (1)

Space Shuttle (1)

SpaceX (1)

Spain (1)

spam (1)

speakerine (1)

speech recognition (1)

spellcheck (2)

Spencer Kimball (1)

spice (1)

Spider-Man (19)

Spider-Man 3 (1)

Spider-Man Life Story (1)

spiritual practices (1)

split-flap displays (1)

spoonerisms (1)

sports (1)

Spotify (6)

spousal abuse (1)

spring burnout (1)

spy fiction (1)

Squirrel Girl (8)

SSSR (8)

SSSR 2022 (3)

SSSR 2023 (4)

SSSR 2024 (3)

Stack Exchange (1)

Stack Overflow (2)

standardization (1)

Standing By the Wall (1)

standing desks (3)

Stanford (2)

Stanford Internet Observatory (2)

Star Trek (5)

Star Wars (39)

Star Wars Expanded Universe (2)

Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron (1)

Star Wars: Bloodline (1)

Star Wars: Heir to the Empire (1)

Stardew Valley (7)

Starforged (3)

Starlink (1)

Starship robots (1)

Start Finishing (1)

static sites (5)

statistics (3)


STEM (11)

STEM education (6)

Stéphane Hessel (1)

Stephanie Moore (1)

Stephen Baxter (2)

Stephen Veazey (3)

Steve Bannon (2)

Steve Huffman (1)

Steve Jobs (1)

Steven Peck (4)

Steven Shields (1)

Still Just a Geek (2)

stock photos (1)

Story Cubes (1)

Strange World (1)

Stranger Things (2)

Strasbourg (2)

Strava (1)

streaming (7)

streaming services (3)

Streisand effect (2)

stress (2)

Stromae (8)

Strong Female Protagonist (2)

structural racism (1)

Stuart Immonen (4)

student activity monitoring (1)

student evaluations (1)

student monitoring software (1)

student surveillance (1)

stuffies (3)

subjectivity (2)

subscription service (2)

subscriptions (1)

Substack (5)

subway (1)

summer camp (2)

summer reading (1)

summer vacation (1)

sunmer camp (1)

Super Late Bloomer (1)

Super Mario Bros. (1)

superheroes (7)

superheros (1)

Superman (8)

Superman for All Seasons (1)

Superman Smashes the Klan (5)

Superman: Earth One (1)

Superman: Secret Identity (1)

supersessionism (4)

surveillance (106)

surveillance capitalism (2)

survivalism (1)

Susan Oxley (1)

sustainability (1)

Swarmwise (1)

swearing (2)

Sweden (1)

Swisstory (1)

Switzerland (33)

syllabus (2)

synthpop (1)

systems (1)

systems thinking (1)

T. Crunk (1)

table saw (1)

tabletop games (17)

TAG (1)

Taika Waititi (1)

Take on Me (1)

Tales from the Loop (4)

Taliban (1)

Tamarra Kemsley (1)

Tampa (1)

task management (2)

Taskmaster (1)

tax prep (1)

taxes (9)

Taylor Petrey (1)

Taylor Swift (3)

tea (14)

teacher agency (2)

teacher burnout (1)

teacher education (1)

teacher professionalism (1)

teacher shortage (1)

teachers (1)

TeachersPayTeachers (2)

teaching (68)

tech bro (1)

tech bros (1)

tech giants (1)

tech policy (5)

Techdirt (8)

technological determinism (1)

technology (15)

technology values (2)

Ted Cruz (3)

Ted Lasso (5)

Teen Girl Squad (1)

teetotalism (1)

Telegram (2)

Temple School (3)

Temptation of Jesus (2)

Tennessee (3)

Tennessee Williams (1)

tenure (20)

tenure and promotion (5)

tenure application (5)

Terms and Conditions (1)

Terms and Conditions (comic) (4)

terms of service (5)

Terraforming Mars (1)

Terry Pratchett (2)

Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter (2)

Terryl Givens (1)

Tesla (3)

Texas (7)

text analysis (1)

text expansion (1)

TGV (2)

Thanksgiving (13)

Thanos (1)

The Acolyte (2)

The Angel and the Beehive (1)

The Aquabats (3)

The Bezzle (5)

The Bible for Normal People (1)

The Bible Told Me So (1)

The Book of Forgiving (6)

The Book of Herbal Teas (1)

The Book of Laman (1)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (42)

The Courage to Be (2)

The Dark Knight (1)

The Dark Knight Returns (1)

The Dawn of Everything (4)

The Diplomat (1)

The Dispossessed (1)

The Doubleclicks (1)

The Ethics of Computer Games (1)

The Fall (1)

The Garden of Enid (1)

The Giant Joshua (2)

The Godfather (1)

The Good Place (3)

The Gospel in Brief (1)

The Great Mouse Detective (1)

The Great War (1)

The Guardian (1)

The Handbook to Lazy Parenting (1)

The Haunting of Tram Car 015 (1)

The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee (1)

The High Crusade (1)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2)

The House in the Cerulean Sea (1)

The Incomparable (6)

The Ipcress File (1)

The Kingdom of God is Within You (8)

The Last Jedi (1)

The Life and Mysterious Death of Ian Mackintosh (1)

The Long Earth (3)

The Long War (2)

The Lost Cause (4)

The Machinations of my Revenge Will Be Cold, Swift, and Absolutely Ridiculous (1)

The Magic School Bus (1)

The Man Born to Be King (2)

The Mandalorian (1)

The Markup (1)

The Marvels (1)

The Masque of the Red Death (1)

The Mirage (1)

The Misunderstood Jew (1)

The Moody Blues (1)

The Mountain in the Sea (1)

The Muppet Christmas Carol (4)

The Murderbot Diaries (1)

The New Testament (1)

The Onion (3)

The Phantom Menace (1)

The Plot Against America (1)

The Princess Bride (1)

The Prisoner (1)

The Rise of Skywalker (1)

The Sandbaggers (10)

The Secret Hours (1)

The September Six and the Struggle for the Soul of Mormonism (2)

The Sin of Certainty (1)

The Slow Professor (2)

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (3)

The Super Mario Bros. Movie (1)

The Tailor of Panama (1)

The Terraformers (1)

The Testimony of Two Nations (1)

The Tick (1)

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (1)

The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy (1)

The Universal Christ (1)

The Verge (3)

The West Wing (1)

theology (3)

therapist (1)

therapy (5)

They Might Be Giants (6)

Things (2)

Things 3 (1)

This Campus is a Friggin' Escher Print (1)

This is My Doctrine (4)

This New Noise (1)

Thomas Massie (1)

Thomas Merton (7)

Thomas Monson (1)

Thomas Römer (8)

Thomas Wayment (4)

Thrawn (2)

Threads (4)

Three Nephites (1)

Ticket to Ride (1)

tidyverse (1)

TikTok (15)

Tim Ballard (2)

Tim Sale (1)

time tracking (1)

time travel (1)

Times and Seasons (1)

Timothy Zahn (1)

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2)

tinkering (1)

tinylytics (1)

tired (1)

tithing (1)

Title IX (1)

TJ Klune (1)

TMBG (2)

to-do list (1)

toast (1)

Toggl (1)

Tolkien (1)

Tonia Dousay (1)

Tony Chvala-Smith (2)

Tony Harris (1)

Top 10 (1)

topic modeling (2)

Tor (1)

Toronto (1)

Toronto Centre Place (1)

Total Party Kill (1)


tradition (1)

traditions (1)

trains (37)

tram (2)

tramway (2)

trans (2)

trans athlete bans (1)

transgender (1)

translation (10)

translations (1)

transparency (2)

transphobia (4)

transport (1)

travel (1)

Travis Baldree (2)

Trinity (2)

trolling (1)

tropes (3)

troubleshooting (1)

TRRPGs (1)

trust students (1)

Truth Social (11)

TSA (3)

TTRPGs (38)

Tucker Carlson (1)

Tumblr (1)

TurboTax (1)

Turkey (1)

tv (27)

TVs (1)

TVTropes (1)

Twine (2)

Twitter (141)

Twitter Files (1)

Twitter research (9)

Twitter verification (2)

two great commandments (1)

Uber (2)

Uber files (2)

Ubuntu (2)

UFO (1)

UKnow (1)

Ukraine (27)

Ultimate Marvel (1)

Ultimate Spider-Man (26)

Ultimate X-Men (1)

Unauthorized Bread (3)

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (1)

uncle (1)

Under the Banner of Heaven (1)

Understanding the Book of Mormon (2)


ungrading (5)

UNIL (3)

United Kingdom (3)

United States (1)

universities (1)

University of Kentucky (23)

University of Michigan (1)

Up (1)

Up Here We Can Be Garbage (1)

UPS (1)

Urban Federer (3)

Urban Traveler (1)

URLs (1)

Ursula K. LeGuin (2)

USA (1)

Utah (5)

utilitarianism (3)

Uvalde shooting (11)

V for Vendetta (1)

Val Larsen (1)

Valentines (1)

values (8)

Vanessa Zoltan (3)

VanMoof (1)

Vaud (4)

veganism (1)

vegetarianism (3)

Venmo (2)

Venom (1)

verification (1)

Vers Saint-Gétorix (1)

Versoix (2)

vertical integration (1)

VHS (1)

Vice (1)

video (1)

video games (15)

videogames (3)

viewpoint diversity (1)

Vigilant (1)

Viktor Orban (1)

Viktor Orbán (3)

violence (2)

virtual ministry (1)

virtual reality (1)

Vizio (1)

Vladimir Putin (1)

voice acting (1)

voter registration (1)

voting (14)

Voting Rights Act (1)

voting systems (1)

VPN (4)

VR (1)

Vygotsky (2)

Wait Wait Don't Tell Me (2)

Walkaway (14)

Wall Street Journal (1)

Wallace and Gromit (5)

Wallace B. Smith (2)

Wallace Smith (2)

walled garden (1)

Walmart (1)

WandaVision (2)

WannaCry (1)

war (16)

war is hell (1)

Warlords of Appalachia (1)

Watchmen (1)

water (1)

waters of Mormon (1)

Watsonian versus Doylist (1)

Way Below the Angels (1)

Wayback Machine (4)

Wayne Family Adventures (1)

We Should Improve Society Somewhat (1)

wealth (10)

wealth task (1)

weather (1)

weather siren (1)

Web (1)

web browsers (1)

web content (1)

web crawlers (1)

web scraping (4)

webcomic (1)

webcomics (17)

Weird Al (1)

Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (1)

Werner von Braun (1)

West Bank (3)

whataboutism (1)

Wheat & Tares (1)

White Horse prophecy (1)

white noise (1)

white pride (2)

white supremacy (2)

whiteness (1)


Wi-Fi (1)

Wii (1)

Wikipedia (4)

Wil Gafney (6)

Wil Wheaton (8)

William Bickerton (1)

William Lafleur (1)

wind (1)

Windscribe (1)

Wings of War (1)

winter (1)

Wish (1)

Wizards of the Coast (7)

womanism (1)

Womanist Midrash (1)

Word of Wisdom (2)

wordplay (3)

WordPress (15)

Work (550)

work-from-home (1)

work-life balance (2)

working from home (1)

workplace surveillance (1)

workshops (1)

World Conference (6)

World Cup (1)

World English Bible (2)

World War II (5)

worldbuilding (1)

Worlds Beyond Number (1)

worldview (1)

worship (1)

Wreck this Journal (1)

Wreck-It Ralph (1)

writing (32)


X-Men (2)

X-Wing Miniatures Game (1)

xAI (1)

Xbox (1)

XIII (3)

xkcd (5)

XPD (1)

Y The Last Man (2)

YA fiction (2)

Ye (3)

Yemen (2)

Yes Minister (4)

Yoel Roth (1)

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (1)

Your Stupid Overconfidence is Nostalgic (1)

Youth Group (1)

YouTube (14)

Yuri Takhteyev (1)

Yuval Noah Harari (2)

Zach Weinersmith (4)

Zion (1)

Zoë Schiffer (1)

Zone of Proximal Development (1)

Zoom (5)

Zotero (1)